All-Star Gyms Banning Athletes??

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That you own a business to me is the key point. You own a business to make money. What makes you so sure you won't gain business from tumbling classes?

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Well, I don't own a gym! If I did, I'd be saving huge amounts of $ each year.
I understand both sides of the argument. Two seasons ago, we were part of an organization that did not have it's own facility and stopped providing tumbling classes mid season due to poor attendance. Cp started attending tumbling classes at another nearby gym and we ended up joining there after our season ended. So it was lucky for us that the gym allowed non-team members to take their classes, and they gained a new athlete because we did like it there (we were leaving our organization regardless but that's another thread).
But the other side of the argument stemmed from the thread itself about gyms banning athletes, and if gyms allowed athletes to continue working with specific coaches once the athletes left their program for another one. Why should a gym wish to continue training an athlete and advancing their skills that only benefits the new program and no longer theirs?
This is so true. I don't always get why most parents don't acknowledge this or if they are just so wrapped up into what they want that this does not matter to them.

See on a business level, I think its bad business. If you believe your gym and your coaches are better, then eventually others will see that too. And maybe after a rough season, it would be all the easier for the athlete to jump ship and switch gyms since she will feel like she knows all of the tumbling coaches from her training there. The explanation posted above is terribly short sighted IMO. Its probably no surprise that all athletes are welcome at CA whether they cheer there or not... And ya - there must be something wrong with their business model (extreme sarcasm..)
See on a business level, I think its bad business. If you believe your gym and your coaches are better, then eventually others will see that too. And maybe after a rough season, it would be all the easier for the athlete to jump ship and switch gyms since she will feel like she knows all of the tumbling coaches from her training there. The explanation posted above is terribly short sighted IMO. Its probably no surprise that all athletes are welcome at CA whether they cheer there or not... And ya - there must be something wrong with their business model (extreme sarcasm..)

I may have just taken this the wrong way because I'm tired... But this post seems unnecessarily catty and sarcastic to me. This thread has gone so well (as far as I can tell with not knowing how anyone knows each other outside the board), especially for summer, that it would be a shame to ruin it with a snarky post. I think you had a good point, but maybe it could have been worded slightly better in order to avoid drama.
Or it could just be me being ridiculously wound up because I get my exam results soon, in which case sorry for the useless post!
See on a business level, I think its bad business. If you believe your gym and your coaches are better, then eventually others will see that too. And maybe after a rough season, it would be all the easier for the athlete to jump ship and switch gyms since she will feel like she knows all of the tumbling coaches from her training there. The explanation posted above is terribly short sighted IMO. Its probably no surprise that all athletes are welcome at CA whether they cheer there or not... And ya - there must be something wrong with their business model (extreme sarcasm..)

Perhaps I was unclear, hence your extreme sarcasm. I did not state that all parents should agree (many want their cake, want to eat it too and have no calories to work off later) with it, just to acknowledge that a business may feel differently than they do on this subject matter. That is not inherently evil or short sighted. I am convinced that there is more than one way to achieve one's business goals. And as much as I respect CA we will never be CA or have any intention to be CA. Our demographic is totally different and if we did not recognize that we would be closed in one season trying to be someone that we are not. We would rather be the best us that we can be.

Just because the customer wants whatever they want because it fits their best interest, does not mean a business has to provide it if they feel it is not in their best interests. If I did that every customer would have free tuition or claim hardship why they could not pay. I would have no staff because I could not pay them. No uniforms because I could not buy them. not get them given to me for free. No equipment because I could not maintain it. And eventually no program because everyone wanted what was best for them and I put that above what was best for the business.
I'm not even slightly shocked! If someone gets a shower, you HAVE to post video! MJ is at Rockstar! It's looking like a killer season for her! Good luck to y'all too! (Not that y'all even need it ;)
I may have to use it soon if one momma doesn't start coming in with a happy face! I'll make sure to video for you!

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I do think if you are choosing to leave a gym...that is your decision to make alone. No need to bad mouth or try and talk others into jumping ship with you. That is not classy and if I was a gym owner I would show you the door too.
On another note about our whole being "banned" situation. My cp is eligible to cheer high school in 2 years. The high school we are zoned for currently goes to the gym she was banned from for both training and choreography. It's already something she is concerned about so I'm curious how that will be handled.... I'm open to suggestion. :)
I think I might actually know this kid... maybe (if it is the one I was thinking about). I remember a heated twitter/facebook exchange in the days after it all. If it is her, I feel sorry for her. That situation got ugly, and I dont think it falls on her shoulders at all... at least not from the impression that I got from her. BUT.. and it is a big one... If this IS the same girl, 5 gyms and 4 years is a bit much.
Lol, just a slight correction.. It was 4 gyms in 5 years.. Our first year at Rockstar, second at Carolina all stars, 2 seasons at CEA, 1 at ACX, and now we are back where we started. We only left the local gyms because at the time, MJ was 7 with a full and wanted to try out for youth elite. The highest level team se could have made locally at the time was youth 3. MJ had the time of her life at CEA, and if she were an only child and I had a different financial situation, (and a helicopter to get to and from practice) we would still be there. I know there was a lot of talk as to why we left, but bottom line is, I couldn't afford the gas and the long drives were killing me. We moved to Columbia because I took a new job, so we gave ACX a try. I was very satisfied for the most part! The coaches there are amazing and passionate! Bottom line is, the only reason we left is I got a better offer at Rockstar that is better financially, and in my opinion, competitively. I have no idea what the future holds, but I can say this, Cheerleading is too expensive and too time consuming to not explore other options if you are not happy somewhere. Gym owners like to use the words "loyalty, gym hoppers, ect" to describe parents like me. To me, that's like paying 400 dollars a month for a Toyota. If the Toyota wasn't fitting your needs anymore, most people wouldn't feel obligated to buy another Toyota out of loyalty. They would shop around... Same concept in my opinion, especially since cheer expenses cost roughly the same as a new car payment. :)

Btw, I know you weren't trying to be insulting. I just figured since I consider you and your wife to be friends of mine, I'd explain myself a little. ;)
Lol, just a slight correction.. It was 4 gyms in 5 years.. Our first year at Rockstar, second at Carolina all stars, 2 seasons at CEA, 1 at ACX, and now we are back where we started. We only left the local gyms because at the time, MJ was 7 with a full and wanted to try out for youth elite. The highest level team se could have made locally at the time was youth 3. MJ had the time of her life at CEA, and if she were an only child and I had a different financial situation, (and a helicopter to get to and from practice) we would still be there. I know there was a lot of talk as to why we left, but bottom line is, I couldn't afford the gas and the long drives were killing me. We moved to Columbia because I took a new job, so we gave ACX a try. I was very satisfied for the most part! The coaches there are amazing and passionate! Bottom line is, the only reason we left is I got a better offer at Rockstar that is better financially, and in my opinion, competitively. I have no idea what the future holds, but I can say this, Cheerleading is too expensive and too time consuming to not explore other options if you are not happy somewhere. Gym owners like to use the words "loyalty, gym hoppers, ect" to describe parents like me. To me, that's like paying 400 dollars a month for a Toyota. If the Toyota wasn't fitting your needs anymore, most people wouldn't feel obligated to buy another Toyota out of loyalty. They would shop around... Same concept in my opinion, especially since cheer expenses cost roughly the same as a new car payment. :)

Btw, I know you weren't trying to be insulting. I just figured since I consider you and your wife to be friends of mine, I'd explain myself a little. ;)
Sorry... Got my numbers mixed up! And you are completely right, I was not trying to be insulting at all... I apologize if it came across that way. "Tone" is not something that can be easily detected from text. I think the "gym hopper" idea comes from parents who have an unrealistic idea of what their kid's skills are. There has never been any doubt with MJ: we all know how good she was. Of course, you finding a new job in Kernersville would have been perfect, but life doesn't unfold that way! I am glad you guys found a home with Rockstar.. And I hope to see you this year!

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When I coached gymnastics one of our girls left our gym for an elite training center. We could no longer meet her needs. We could coach her in the skills, but being the only elite in your gym is really really tough. Off she went, where she made the national team and Olympic trials. Did we ban her? No way. She was always welcome, and after competing NCAA she is now back in the gym coaching in the evenings after her full time "grown up" job.
I can understand being suspended for not paying the bill, but BANNED!! That's overkill IMO.

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Not necessarily. It would depend on the situation. How much is owed, how often payments are missed, etc also are they banning them after the season is over?

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All I have to say about the matter is a great quote from @MaximumAllStars
"Cheerleading is a small world. Don't burn your bridges."
I wish I could shimmy this a billion times!!!

So many coaches and gyms are linked to eachother, and linked to college cheer programs! Not a good idea to burn any bridges if you want to have a future in cheerleading.