There’s a lot of gray area here, but what matters ultimately is: she signed an agreement. Mom and daughter knew the rules and didn’t live up to them. It sounds like this girl tried to cover all her bases and snuck over to PA to check out the scene before officially giving up her spot on WE first. Can’t do it, kid.
There’s been a lot of back and forth about “Oh she should just be happy” and “If they can win NCA without her why are they keeping her?” Not the point. The contact is there for a reason and she didn’t honour it. Strictly speaking, WE is not at fault here and is under no obligation to release her. In fact, if they did release her at this point it would set an extremely bad precedent for the future. It’ll teach anyone at that gym that if they complain loud enough, the rules can be tailored to their demands. Which you just can’t allow. It’d be akin to a coach demanding that a judge remove a tumbling deduction because “Can’t you just let the athlete be happy? Look how sad she is because of this. Just undo it.” Nope. Those are the rules. You agreed to them when you signed up. If you can’t afford the tumble bust, don’t throw the pass.
I don’t know about the other allegations of bullying. If they’re true, my heart goes out to her. I was bullied on my first HS cheer team. It blows and it’s not right. But it begs the question: if the bullying was that bad, why didn’t she just quit outright? Mom and daughter could’ve handled this in about a billion better ways.
And lastly, if she doesn’t get to compete at Worlds this year as a result of this, it’s not the end of the world. She’s young still. If she’s good enough for WE, then she’s got a bright future ahead of her wherever she goes and will have plenty of chances to win Worlds at the senior level with whatever team she chooses. She’ll be fine.