All-Star Has An At Large Bid Team Ever Won Worlds?

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(FYI (so I don't get bashed) this is not about the bids, just on the underdog topic mentioned)
12stepCheermom .... I started at brandon in 2003.. and back then I can say we were "known" around florida for our j5 and coed squad, beyond florida not that much.. I remember traveling to Atlantic City, NJ in 2006 and WC people asked us if we were called brandon because if that was our coaches name, etc... we were completely unrecognizable.. Even when we went to worlds in 2008 people had seen the uniforms and started to hear the name but we weren't a team everyone had to come watch or would rave over on the boards.. I loved getting to experience going from a no name to "fame". I always dreamed of being on Top Gun/Cheer Athletics/ Stingrays a big name gym when I was young.. and in the past couple of years brandon has been able to achieve that and although I am now an alumni, it gives me butterflies when I here the entire milkhouse or NCA arena shout out 'brandon!!' or when I see everyone asking how did brandon do?!? Its like wait, someone besides our moms care how we did?!?! :D

Pretty much though from my experience I have learned that an underdog today can be the next big champion tomorrow... that's why even when I have never heard of a team on a roster, I never count them out !! Your first worlds appearance is a big start to a long journey, but with hark work & dedication ANY gym can become the next big powerhouse..

I agree with the random supporters comment. We actually listen to Brandon mixes, cued up with WC, CEA cheer athletics, ACE, top gun etc etc (and our own gym of course) in the car everyday. Trust me when I say my kids an I not only Know Brandon's routines but we sing right along with b-r-a-n-d-O-n! My son loves to do gymtyme platinums jumps when their mix is on in the gym (he's a jr 3 but has poured on some skills this year and is throwing triple jump tucks). My daughter is a J4.

I have no doubt aviator will have the same experience eventually, and I won't say we've never been that nobody team that suddenly shocked the world. Last year (our gym's second year) we took 2 teams to cheersport - just our senior coed 3 and 4. Senior coed 3 took bronze and coed 4 came out of no where and left with jackets over some of the industry's most recognizable names. Numbers 2 and 3 are industry names people openly rave about on the boards so that was amazing for a bunch of kids in a second year program.

But I love Brandon and our coaches just raved about how great the parents and coaches were at UCA to our kids. It's a class act and we hope to follow in your footsteps :)
When I was on Gym Tyme IOC5 in 06-08 we always had just an at large bid. Never any money when I cheered.

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