High School Has Anyone Made Their Own Pom Pons?

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Apr 20, 2010
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Ok, so I've been trying to think for next season for my school team and we need pom pons. However, we really don't have the money to buy pom pons on top of everything else we need to buy.

I watched this youtube video and it seems really easy. Has anyone actually make their own pom pons? If so, was it really easy? And about how much did it cost for a whole team (please include how many members are on your team)?

Here's the youtube vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxL1fO2eZhs

I've done that as a project with some cheerleaders I coached. I went to the dollar store and got plastic table cloths to make them with. They turned out cute, the material was kind of flimsy though, so they were easy to tear and the streamers were sort of limp instead of standing out on their own. I also didn't use as many layers as the girl in the video, so they weren't as poofy as her pom. Most poms from outside companies have around 1000 streamers and ours probably had 500 or less, depending on how wide the girls cut their streamers. The cheerleaders only cheered one game, so it worked out well. I charged each cheerleader $2 and I bought one white table cloth and one purple table cloth for each girl. If I wanted them to last for an entire season I would look for a thicker plastic to make it out of. I think trash bags work well, but you might have to sacrifice having a choice of colors like I had with the table cloths.

Making them was a pain and I would never do it again. The reason I would never do it again is because I had to take the table cloths and cut them up into squares for 60 cheerleaders. It took me days and my hands were sore after.

There are companies that make inexpensive poms. Omni cheer comes to mind; their poms are only $6 a piece. I have never ordered poms from there, but my assistant coach has and she suggested them the other day when we were talking about poms.
There are companies that make inexpensive poms. Omni cheer comes to mind; their poms are only $6 a piece. I have never ordered poms from there, but my assistant coach has and she suggested them the other day when we were talking about poms.

$6 a pair is worth the time I just spent watching the video.
I think even at Omni cheer the cheapest pair would be $8. When ordering poms you have to always take into account that the price is per pom, not for a pair. Although $8 is cheap
teamcheer.com sells them for $7.99 each, however omnicheer.com are only $3.95 or $5.45 depending on size.
Thanks! Yea I wasn't quite sure if it was worth fluffing enough poms for a whole team. The fluff part sounds completely miserable. But it's better than no poms. Hopefully I'll be able to get my team poms from a company instead of from myself for next season!
You still have to fluff brand new poms. They come slightly fluffed, but there is still some work to do. But, you order pizza, pop in a movie and have all the girls fluff theirs while they hang out.
Still, even at $15 a kid....that's worth the time and hassle spent making all of those out of trash bags. I'm guessing the trash bag ones don't hold up very well. They'd be cute for a Halloween costume, or if you were going to to pink poms in October for breast cancer game, or red and green for Christmas. You couldn't make them your every day poms though!