ShoWStoppeR , you have brought to attention something MANY young girls are at risk of now, more than ever. Something so small they take for a variety of reasons- from acne to severe PMDD, oral contraceptives have proven dangerous to many a bright, talented young woman, such as my Dad's Girlfriend's Daughter Melanie.
Melanie was a young woman of 20, barely older than some of you on here. She was taking Yaz, a prescription oral contraceptive. One day, she was getting ready to go swimming with her friend Lauren when she began having trouble breathing. As it began to get worse, she called her friend over. When Lauren arrived, she promptly called for an ambulance to bring Melanie to the hospital. However, it quickly became too late to do anything: Melanie had had a pulmonary embolism (caused by the Yaz), and her brain had become starved of oxygen. She died the next day. It was only in the next few weeks that they discovered her and her sisters shouldn't have been taking it in the first place due to some factor in their blood that makes them susceptible to clotting. A test COULD have been performed to find out WAY before anything happened, but no doctor ever suggested it. I beg you all, CHECK with your doctors about your medication's side effects. KNOW your risks, even if your doctor brushes them off. While pills like Yaz/Yasmin/Beyaz are being pulled (for this reason among others), other pills of their type will definitely take their place. ESPECIALLY girls, because so many people take them for reasons OTHER than why they're prescribed (help clears their skin or hormonal reasons), yet one tiny once-a-day pill can be deadly. While you may not have had problems, it's better to be safe than sorry.