Could someone please help me understand this..? Our gym attends events using the United Scoring System. I’ve looked at the rubrics because routine composition/scoring interests me as a former cheerleader, now a parents of 2 cheerleaders. I see that USASF and Open Championships have written out level specific rules for each level’s tumbling, stunts, pyramids, and tosses. Open Championship also has level appropriate documents that show specific elite stunting skills by level and both level appropriate and elite tumbling skills by level. However, on United Scoring’s website they have the level appropriate skills documents, but I don’t see any specific written out level rules. Most specifically for pyramid is what I’m wondering about, because I know with a bracer/multiple bracers other skills not on the level document are allowed. So my question is where do you find that information with United? Or do they use USASF’s? I know they use their age grid/divisions and APS and some other things… so if anyone knows and can assist me in finding this information I’d greatly appreciate it :)