First before I comment on anything else I would just like to point out that the entire allstar world hates on one girl and she posts an eloquent thoughtful response, one person hates on you, and this is what we get.
To "Hate On" someone is to say discrediting or mean things. If I said the words "you hate her in the traditional sense of the word "hate"" I would like to apologize. And while you are correct you didn't say that she didn't deserve, you did say:
So you didn't outright say it, but we both know it was implied.
Tell me you don't know who Snooki and The Situation are and I know you're lying.
I had to read this one a few times to wrap my head around it.... You're upset because I hated on your friends, who like you said I know nothing about... You're saying that I'm a hypocrite for criticizing them in the same way that you criticized Maddie.
Firstly I said that you're friends, like me and 99% of everyone else in the cheer world, were nobody's. Saying that they were like everyone else is hardly what you did. I didn't use their names, or describe multiple personal failures.
You see what you're proving is your own hypocrisy. It's okay for you to talk about someone you know nothing about (other than what you've seen and heard) but the second some random guy on an internet message board hates on someone he knows nothing about (other than what I've seen and heard) it's an eCrime. And I'm probably splitting hairs here but your pot/kettle and hypocrisy statement was redundant, either go with the pot/kettle or call me a hypocrite, we understand either one.
Why do you care enough about this girl to post a 500 word essay on why she isn't living up to her hype if you didn't envy her a little. Think about it... There's a boy you really like (LIKE OMG!!!11!!) and he likes you back (OOOOOOOM,MMMMMMMMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!) the next thing you know you've picked up a whole new group of enemy's, mainly his ex-girlfriend and her friends. You have what that girl wants and she is going to hate on you every chance she gets. Haters are gonna hate. "If there's any haters in here that don't have nobody to hate on, feel free to hate on me, say my hair ain't luxurious when you know it is..." -Katt Williams
I'm a tough guy to get over, ask my ex's. When I figure out how to do it, I'll call them first. (oh snap, no I dinnit.):cool:
If I could suggest Comp 101. Like I said you clearly cared enough to take time out of your obviously busy schedule to post your essay.
There is so much wrong with this, all I will say is the reason there are tabloids is because it's painfully obvious that celebrities have access to far more failure and dysfunction than the average person. Children believe their hero's are perfect and if the biggest screw up those hero's have is failure on the field of competition they are a good role model in their chosen sport and there's no reason to try to ruin that.
Right you've listed the reasons you and others hate on this girl. That I would say is true, what is upsetting is the backhanded, catty way you tear her down without just coming out and saying it. And then before you finish this paragraph you did it again! Yes it's true that in a few years someone else will fill her shoes and her stardom will likely fade away into her college cheer team, but you said that in the most backhanded way possible.
I needed to quote this again...
If no one read into what others said (typed) we wouldn't get very far in communication, would we? If I call you out on it, why wouldn't you just say I was wrong, why would you have to justify what you said while making your own assumptions and typing a small book?
I always feel bad when I make up lies and put words in people's mouths PLUS make up things. :confused: I'll try really hard in the future to no do that or this but especially that.
And I've taken classes on emotion control, they're hosted every Tuesday at the library, never mind that it's court ordered, I've received 13 golden stars so far, I believe I know how to control my emotions. Based on your use of the CAPS LOCK key I could give you the address to the meetings if you'd like...
(that last little bit was a joke, really I don't take classes court ordered or otherwise and no I can't give anyone an address to any meetings)
Consider it pondered.
Sleep tight.