All-Star Here's The Real Problem....

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Refrence the other post above: I have a son who will be 20 this summer. I think his "adult" decision making skills are still questionable due to lack of life experience. Age doesn't really mean you are 100% aware of the impact of your decisions.

No, but if your child was put in the same situation, I'm sure you'd be looking out for their best interest and safety as a parent and have many conversations about being a "cheerlebrity" and the pros and cons to it.
And I agree that age doesn't decide if you're capable of making good decisions, I know many adults, ahem some cheer moms, that influence their children very poorly in their decision making. I believe Maddie has shown great responsibility in her commitment to her fans. All I was saying is that between her and her parents someone would have been able to make the decision to "slow down the fame" if that's what they had wanted to do.

Also, as young adult, I can say on behalf for your son that sometimes we over look the right decision just to make our parents mad! :p
nothingimpossible said:
Maddie seems like a bright girl and she's probably been able to make adult decisions for a long time now.

I think this is important to remember: she comes from (what is very obvious via StarshipTrooper) a crazy supportive family who respects her as an adult human being. If she wanted it to stop, she would stop it. It sucks to be called out and have people say a million negative things about you because you fell in a stunt, aren't living up to people's standards, sneezed the wrong way, whatever.. but it's very clear that the 99% positive aspects of being a role model outweigh the 1% negative reaction for her. She's an adult (which has also been made clear by her family) and makes adult decisions.

Taking a stand against cyber bullying is a different thing than taking a stand against specific cheerleaders being in the lime light.
Wow!!!!People need to remember that you are attacking a kid; In today's society kids are under enough pressure. Yes she participates in a team sport but her position is determined by the coaches. So PLEASE TAKE YOUR ISSUES TO THE COACHES. My kid does not go to CEA but she recently was mixed up in a situation at her gym where at the end of the day some kids and their parents were not very nice and felt she didn't belong because she was out for the season. As people comment on Maddie please remember that she is person that has feelings and this hurt; especially when it is coming from your teammates. All of this is not helping it is only hurting. Cheerleading is a team sport we may not agree with the decisions made by coaches or gym owners and that's okay but let all remember that part of being on a team is the ability to show good sportsmanship!!!Come people this is getting ridiculous; stop bulling this child!!!!

Since the competition is over and I have a bit of time to post I'm going to chime in on this thread since it appears to be about Maddie and some extent us. First, Maddie hears about the positive and negative, she understands the world pretty well now. Don't worry, she can handle the negative things because she knows who she is and where she is going and is not at all concerned about the opinions floating around. She does care about her teamates and coaches and kids from the gym. They are getting along just fine and all are dissappointed on their loss to a phenomenal Panthers team. There were many mistakes that must get fixed to win the competitions this year. They are working hard together to get those wins. This is a sport and ultimately doing your job on the mat defines your success, and when she falls she and her group do not do their job. They will answer to their teamates and coaches on that point, not posters here.

That said, on the OP, we have had a longstanding relationship with IC that has allowed her to work on her portfolio for journalism and in return her noteriety helps their exposure. She used her work with IC in her applications and they were very benefical to her and in return we do not mind giving back something to them. That is how the world works if you have not noticed, mutually beneficial relationships. She wants to be a journalist and it is a great opportunity for her. Now, on her celebrity which is a mystery for all of us involved, I cannot tell you why all these kids want to meet her, have her sign a card, their shoe, shirt or get a picture with her. But they do and we do not stop it because there is nothing wrong, sinister, innapporpriate about the experience. She gets nothing out of it but positive interactions with thousands of kids from around the country. Who knows how one of these nice parents or kids may effect her in her career, but I can tell you from watching almost each and every situation like a hawk, there is nothing but potentially positive groundwork being created for her future with all these fans. People are key, important and relationships matter.

Now, the thought of an assistant or entourage of some type is the most laughable thing I have read. That is her mother helping her and watching every thing that happens. We strictly limit her exposure in social media, she has a very limited Facebook page for her close friends and a fan page that is closely monitored by her mother. Nothing else, no publicity plan, no attempts to promote her other than fielding offers from fine people like IC and Cherelebrity to write articles or judge competitions. She is an adult and does what she chooses to do along those lines and has always made good decisions. We do not venture onto Twitter and have no plans to do so, it appears to be a cesspool of opinion with little or no positive potential. We really try to be nice to everyone that approaches her and our motives are only to try to be kind. You will not find any other motivation on our part, we are fine in life, secure finacially and have no plans for either of our children except to help them do their very best with their chosen paths.

Now, to the FierceBoard. We have no problem with the discussion here, the monitoring and the give and take. Whether or not the owners want to limit threads on Maddie is their call, but I have no problem with what is written here and can choose to respond when I think the information is wrong or off base. I do find suggestions of exploitation to be extremely provocative and inappropriate. You do not know what you are talking about. We spent over an hour signing things and taking pictures with numerous children and parents today. They were all so nice, and positive, I doubt any of them had been on Twitter, and all really seemed to enjoy meeting her. Those are the people we try to meet and interact with in cheer. You'll have to ask them why they are her fans, they know the real reason she is popular, not the detractors on social media.
Here's the deal, you probably don't "get it" because you're too far in it, but you're criticizing a kid. She didn't seek out this attention, when she decided to be an allstar cheerleader she didn't say "I want to do this because I want to be famous and make a ton of money", she did it because she loved cheer. I don't know this girl, I wouldn't know this girl if I walked past her on the street, but I would put all the money I've ever earned on Maddie not having the same passion for cheer that she once had.

You're somehow thinking that fame=perfection. You've made the statement that you feel like you know of cheerleaders that are "better" than Maddie, and that she doesn't "deserve" to be famous. And what exactly has being famous earned her? It's earned her hate from you and what probably feels like a billion other people watching and criticizing her every breath. She didn't set out to be famous, she got "lucky" and it came to her. I'm sure she is an exceptional cheerleader but she didn't need to be great to become famous, this one's probably going to hit a little close to home for you because you're a 19 year old girl but the cast of Jersey Shore isn't famous because they're good at anything (in fact I'm amazed they have the mental capacity to breathe), they got "lucky". I bet she would trade places most day's with your nobody friends for a chance to just be an anonymous allstar cheerleader again.

So you can hate her because she's more famous and you think you want that but all she is is under 800X the pressure that every cheerleader you know is and she's being exploited while companies profit off of the hype that THEY built. These people built her up, they made her this "celebrity" and once she has reached a level of fame that she becomes marketable they use her to sell whatever they've got. So yeah, envy that. Envy her so called fame and continue to be a nobody cheerleader able to fail without extreme criticism.

And has anyone sat back and considered that outside of cheerleading NOBODY knows or cares who she is outside of being a human being. She isn't famous. She isn't even athlete famous. Cheerleading as a whole is a small community and criticizing teenage children is a surefire way to all but guarantee your time in the community will be short. And further more why would you want to hate on a kid?

excuse me? do you know me? if i "hate" a person you darn well would know. there would be words involved that i would not even be able to post on this site. i don't even know the chick. why in the world would i hate her? lol, i am indifferent towards her. i'm speaking for what i believe is the majority perspective. the side that doesn't like her as opposed to the side that eats Maddie O's every day for breakfast. people are scratching their heads "why?" and all i am doing is simply giving you perspective. i don't "hate" (-_____-) Maddie Gardner any more than you "love" her so once again, calm down. i also never said that she didn't "deserve" to be cheer famous or whatever you want to call it so please refrain from putting words in my mouth.

ALSO, so what if i am 19? Once again, with your assumptions. How do you even know I watch Jersey Shore? Why am i supposed to relate? Smh, not everybody in my age demographic does...

and no need to insult my friends who you know NOTHING about. people get so mad when someone even HINTS dislike of somebody else but then they are the FIRST ones to insult people in the same way and people that they don't even know out of nowhere. it's the pot calling the kettle black and a bunch of hypocrisy.

and wait... once again with the words in my mouth... where in the world did i profess my want to be cheer famous? AND WHERE DID I SAY (OR DID EVEN GATHER THE INSINUATION) THAT "I HATED HER BECAUSE SHE'S MORE FAMOUS THAN ME???? quote me. you need to get over yourself. um ACTUALLY, i am content with my accomplishments and who i am and have much larger goals than to be a cheerlebrity. i'm in college, who cares about that? it's not that serious...

and with your word association to fame being synonymous with perfection is hmm... YES, with fame people hold you at a higher standard and expect you to be perfect. people may not like it and it is unrealistic that anyone is actually like that (no one is perfect), but unfortunately most people still think that their favorite celebrities ARE in fact perfect and can do no wrong. i have heard people call Gardner perfect... a lot actually so this isn't out of thin air. and that is usually the 1st thing people who dislike her latch onto whenever she makes a mistake and falls all over the place because the one thing she is supposed to be perfect at clearly isn't true.

the truth hurts and people need to get over it and move on. all you Maddie lovers on your Maddie soapbox are not going to change how anybody feels about her and in truth, everyone will probably forget about her in a few years anyway so... relax.

if you are going to try and make a rational rebuttal maybe next time you should use facts and not assumptions. Also you wouldn't have to make up lies and put words in people's mouths plus make up things if your argument was strong enough. Lastly, control your emotions.

that is all. ponder that.

excuse me? do you know me? if i "hate" a person you darn well would know. there would be words involved that i would not even be able to post on this site. i don't even know the chick. why in the world would i hate her? lol, i am indifferent towards her. i'm speaking for what i believe is the majority perspective. the side that doesn't like her as opposed to the side that eats Maddie O's every day for breakfast. people are scratching their heads "why?" and all i am doing is simply giving you perspective. i don't "hate" (-_____-) Maddie Gardner any more than you "love" her so once again, calm down. i also never said that she didn't "deserve" to be cheer famous or whatever you want to call it so please refrain from putting words in my mouth.

ALSO, so what if i am 19? Once again, with your assumptions. How do you even know I watch Jersey Shore? Why am i supposed to relate? Smh, not everybody in my age demographic does...

and no need to insult my friends who you know NOTHING about. people get so mad when someone even HINTS dislike of somebody else but then they are the FIRST ones to insult people in the same way and people that they don't even know out of nowhere. it's the pot calling the kettle black and a bunch of hypocrisy.

and wait... once again with the words in my mouth... where in the world did i profess my want to be cheer famous? AND WHERE DID I SAY (OR DID EVEN GATHER THE INSINUATION) THAT "I HATED HER BECAUSE SHE'S MORE FAMOUS THAN ME???? quote me. you need to get over yourself. um ACTUALLY, i am content with my accomplishments and who i am and have much larger goals than to be a cheerlebrity. i'm in college, who cares about that? it's not that serious...

and with your word association to fame being synonymous with perfection is hmm... YES, with fame people hold you at a higher standard and expect you to be perfect. people may not like it and it is unrealistic that anyone is actually like that (no one is perfect), but unfortunately most people still think that their favorite celebrities ARE in fact perfect and can do no wrong. i have heard people call Gardner perfect... a lot actually so this isn't out of thin air. and that is usually the 1st thing people who dislike her latch onto whenever she makes a mistake and falls all over the place because the one thing she is supposed to be perfect at clearly isn't true.

the truth hurts and people need to get over it and move on. all you Maddie lovers on your Maddie soapbox are not going to change how anybody feels about her and in truth, everyone will probably forget about her in a few years anyway so... relax.

if you are going to try and make a rational rebuttal maybe next time you should use facts and not assumptions. Also you wouldn't have to make up lies and put words in people's mouths plus make up things if your argument was strong enough. Lastly, control your emotions.

that is all. ponder that.


First before I comment on anything else I would just like to point out that the entire allstar world hates on one girl and she posts an eloquent thoughtful response, one person hates on you, and this is what we get.

To "Hate On" someone is to say discrediting or mean things. If I said the words "you hate her in the traditional sense of the word "hate"" I would like to apologize. And while you are correct you didn't say that she didn't deserve, you did say:
"beautyy4cheerr" ...they don't understand why she gets so much attention when they feel like they or their teammates are just as good if not better of an athlete than she is...
So you didn't outright say it, but we both know it was implied.

Tell me you don't know who Snooki and The Situation are and I know you're lying.

I had to read this one a few times to wrap my head around it.... You're upset because I hated on your friends, who like you said I know nothing about... You're saying that I'm a hypocrite for criticizing them in the same way that you criticized Maddie.
Firstly I said that you're friends, like me and 99% of everyone else in the cheer world, were nobody's. Saying that they were like everyone else is hardly what you did. I didn't use their names, or describe multiple personal failures.
You see what you're proving is your own hypocrisy. It's okay for you to talk about someone you know nothing about (other than what you've seen and heard) but the second some random guy on an internet message board hates on someone he knows nothing about (other than what I've seen and heard) it's an eCrime. And I'm probably splitting hairs here but your pot/kettle and hypocrisy statement was redundant, either go with the pot/kettle or call me a hypocrite, we understand either one.

Why do you care enough about this girl to post a 500 word essay on why she isn't living up to her hype if you didn't envy her a little. Think about it... There's a boy you really like (LIKE OMG!!!11!!) and he likes you back (OOOOOOOM,MMMMMMMMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!) the next thing you know you've picked up a whole new group of enemy's, mainly his ex-girlfriend and her friends. You have what that girl wants and she is going to hate on you every chance she gets. Haters are gonna hate. "If there's any haters in here that don't have nobody to hate on, feel free to hate on me, say my hair ain't luxurious when you know it is..." -Katt Williams

I'm a tough guy to get over, ask my ex's. When I figure out how to do it, I'll call them first. (oh snap, no I dinnit.):cool:

If I could suggest Comp 101. Like I said you clearly cared enough to take time out of your obviously busy schedule to post your essay.

There is so much wrong with this, all I will say is the reason there are tabloids is because it's painfully obvious that celebrities have access to far more failure and dysfunction than the average person. Children believe their hero's are perfect and if the biggest screw up those hero's have is failure on the field of competition they are a good role model in their chosen sport and there's no reason to try to ruin that.

Right you've listed the reasons you and others hate on this girl. That I would say is true, what is upsetting is the backhanded, catty way you tear her down without just coming out and saying it. And then before you finish this paragraph you did it again! Yes it's true that in a few years someone else will fill her shoes and her stardom will likely fade away into her college cheer team, but you said that in the most backhanded way possible.

I needed to quote this again...
if you are going to try and make a rational rebuttal maybe next time you should use facts and not assumptions. Also you wouldn't have to make up lies and put words in people's mouths plus make up things if your argument was strong enough. Lastly, control your emotions.

If no one read into what others said (typed) we wouldn't get very far in communication, would we? If I call you out on it, why wouldn't you just say I was wrong, why would you have to justify what you said while making your own assumptions and typing a small book?

I always feel bad when I make up lies and put words in people's mouths PLUS make up things. :confused: I'll try really hard in the future to no do that or this but especially that.
And I've taken classes on emotion control, they're hosted every Tuesday at the library, never mind that it's court ordered, I've received 13 golden stars so far, I believe I know how to control my emotions. Based on your use of the CAPS LOCK key I could give you the address to the meetings if you'd like...

(that last little bit was a joke, really I don't take classes court ordered or otherwise and no I can't give anyone an address to any meetings)

Consider it pondered.

Sleep tight.

I've read bout most of this thread and some of you have simply got nothing better to do than pick on someone you barely know. Even against yourselves? really?
firstly if Maddie wasn't chosen to represent CEA SE, then would the same amount of chatter go to the other person they choose like say ex. Erica? Yes I agree she is awesome! but that's just not how it went down...
If Maddie really cared about what you all thought I'm sure she would have said something by now...
And how about putting yourself in her position, how would this make you feel seeing complete strangers talking about you because apparently your not a good enough candidate, and that you are not a good cheerleader...
Especially when your "debating" (is the nicer way of putting it) over it, and what sense do you hope to achieve?
And yes i understand when you are put into the spotlight apparently this is what you sign up for? REALLY? no that is done by YOU!
you think about all the things she has done and tell me what was so bad it makes her an awful role model? Really is there anything?

there's nothing to wonder, ponder, think about, how about just laying off and allow someone to enjoy their life, and maybe some of you are right maybe she'll just be forgotten but is that for you to decide?

Reply all you like i wont back, I've put my two cents in.
Peace Love and Cheer!
This whole "Cheerlebrity" thing is getting out-of-control. We are trying to get recognition for the sport we love and expand cheerleading over the world, but look what's happening. Popular athletes can't freely watch other teams without causing disturbances, they can't walk around the competition with friends, and are constantly being interrupted from what they're doing. Just because they're a talented athlete doesn't mean they want the unneeded attention. If they do, that's great, but this isn't a Justin Bieber concert. This is not just about Maddie, who handles this all so well, but every other athlete also. I could be very wrong, but I feel like the craziness a "Cheerlebrity" goes through changes the sport for that specific athlete. They aren't able to experience competitions like everyone should just because they're good at what they do.

I fully understand the want to meet someone you look up to, but this whole mess is getting very stalkery and it scares me that this is just the beginning.
1)i dont like how any of this went down. like kingston said your never going to escape the chatter of people talking(if you think this site is bad, try reading youtube comments, nasty).
2)she chose to be highlighted as the celebrity she is from the 2by2 videos to the autograph signings. if you want that spotlight then you better capitalize every time and not show a single flaw or you will be taken down.
3)the best way to have dealt with this is to shut it and HYS. End of story. anyone can write a great speech and influence people, look at how powerful Obama's speeches were and how weak the outcome/ his actions were. Sure you got about 150 supporters with your message but you also P'd off just as many or more making your own case and spilling your philosophy.
4)i challenge you maddie to handle public criticism a little better and to understand a)what it takes to be a celebrity and the challenges it takes to hold such a position in rough times and b) your not going to be liked by everyone or make everyone chase the same dream you have.

its inevitable to escape judgment from anything in this world, but the best way to make a statement is to us it as motivation, keep it to yourself and HYS.
4)i challenge you maddie to handle public criticism a little better and to understand a)what it takes to be a celebrity and the challenges it takes to hold such a position in rough times and b) your not going to be liked by everyone or make everyone chase the same dream you have.

I'm sorry but that part is crap. What reaction are you referring to, exactly? Has she ever complained/vented publicly after being "criticized"? I'm pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to find even a single instance of her letting her fame get to her or not handling it well. Because I've never seen her tweet, post, comment ANYTHING negatively after a loss or disappointment. In fact, quite the opposite....

She handles it much better than I (and majority of the people on this board) would. In fact, I would say she handles it nearly perfectly by refraining from social media unless it's to post positive things, doing what is expected and asked of her while keeping her grades up and continuing to prove she is a positive role model for cheerleaders everywhere.
First before I comment on anything else I would just like to point out that the entire allstar world hates on one girl and she posts an eloquent thoughtful response, one person hates on you, and this is what we get.

To "Hate On" someone is to say discrediting or mean things. If I said the words "you hate her in the traditional sense of the word "hate"" I would like to apologize. And while you are correct you didn't say that she didn't deserve, you did say:

So you didn't outright say it, but we both know it was implied.

Tell me you don't know who Snooki and The Situation are and I know you're lying.

I had to read this one a few times to wrap my head around it.... You're upset because I hated on your friends, who like you said I know nothing about... You're saying that I'm a hypocrite for criticizing them in the same way that you criticized Maddie.
Firstly I said that you're friends, like me and 99% of everyone else in the cheer world, were nobody's. Saying that they were like everyone else is hardly what you did. I didn't use their names, or describe multiple personal failures.
You see what you're proving is your own hypocrisy. It's okay for you to talk about someone you know nothing about (other than what you've seen and heard) but the second some random guy on an internet message board hates on someone he knows nothing about (other than what I've seen and heard) it's an eCrime. And I'm probably splitting hairs here but your pot/kettle and hypocrisy statement was redundant, either go with the pot/kettle or call me a hypocrite, we understand either one.

Why do you care enough about this girl to post a 500 word essay on why she isn't living up to her hype if you didn't envy her a little. Think about it... There's a boy you really like (LIKE OMG!!!11!!) and he likes you back (OOOOOOOM,MMMMMMMMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!) the next thing you know you've picked up a whole new group of enemy's, mainly his ex-girlfriend and her friends. You have what that girl wants and she is going to hate on you every chance she gets. Haters are gonna hate. "If there's any haters in here that don't have nobody to hate on, feel free to hate on me, say my hair ain't luxurious when you know it is..." -Katt Williams

I'm a tough guy to get over, ask my ex's. When I figure out how to do it, I'll call them first. (oh snap, no I dinnit.):cool:

If I could suggest Comp 101. Like I said you clearly cared enough to take time out of your obviously busy schedule to post your essay.

There is so much wrong with this, all I will say is the reason there are tabloids is because it's painfully obvious that celebrities have access to far more failure and dysfunction than the average person. Children believe their hero's are perfect and if the biggest screw up those hero's have is failure on the field of competition they are a good role model in their chosen sport and there's no reason to try to ruin that.

Right you've listed the reasons you and others hate on this girl. That I would say is true, what is upsetting is the backhanded, catty way you tear her down without just coming out and saying it. And then before you finish this paragraph you did it again! Yes it's true that in a few years someone else will fill her shoes and her stardom will likely fade away into her college cheer team, but you said that in the most backhanded way possible.

I needed to quote this again...

If no one read into what others said (typed) we wouldn't get very far in communication, would we? If I call you out on it, why wouldn't you just say I was wrong, why would you have to justify what you said while making your own assumptions and typing a small book?

I always feel bad when I make up lies and put words in people's mouths PLUS make up things. :confused: I'll try really hard in the future to no do that or this but especially that.
And I've taken classes on emotion control, they're hosted every Tuesday at the library, never mind that it's court ordered, I've received 13 golden stars so far, I believe I know how to control my emotions. Based on your use of the CAPS LOCK key I could give you the address to the meetings if you'd like...

(that last little bit was a joke, really I don't take classes court ordered or otherwise and no I can't give anyone an address to any meetings)

Consider it pondered.

Sleep tight.

dude, if you REALLY think i read that 8765432 page Phd thesis paper over some chick you and i both don't know, HA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i truly find that HILARIOUS.

and also after the first 2 lines i saw that it still flew right over your head and that i was wasting my time with a *word not inserted here.

like really?? over some girl that you and i don't know?? that I am indifferent to? LOL. i never ONCE said "well this is how I feel about what's her face", I gave an unbiased general perspective over what i've noticed throughout the years, and you can be on denial about it all you want but it's true. wah wahhh wahhhhh

and not trying to make assumptions like you do so i'm asking... do you have a crush on her or something? because I don't know anybody who's life is so boring that they go so hard in arguments over someone they've never even met nor talked to smh. this is a serious question because it is borderline psychotic the way you are obsessing over a teenage girl.

this whole thread is beating a dead horse. people are still gunna hate, people are still gunna not hate. people crying over their golden calf Maddie Gardner is not going to change much.

i'm done wasting my time talking about some chick who is irrelevant to my life, lol. good luck to whatever Maddie Gardner does bc i'm sure she is stalking this thread. get doing your thing bra! lmao

now back to my real housewives of atlanta after a day of total 8 hours of traveling, cheer practice and barely any food... i'm hungry! lol night
again with the assumptions lol. i'm calm, i just like to be thorough.


Yeah, your posts just reek of calmness.. *insert sarcasm*
Seriously, you're not fooling anyone. It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to see you're wound up tighter than the energizer bunny


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