We have 38 student-athletes on our team who have varsity status at the collegiate level. While regulation might not be the hope for all, I can tell you that their parents appreciate sport status because there is THIS!!:
1. Scholarships
2. All are base-line concussion tested prior to participation. All must have a physical before participation.
3. The choice to be tested for sickle cell or waive the right
4. Subject to drug-testing and must sign off
5. Team physician
6. Athletic Trainers at every practice and competition. At least 2 travel with the team to oversee any rehab, and provide attention to all members prior to competition. Rehab before and after practice.
7. Academic Advisor who travels with the team.
8. Tutors provided by the Athletic department
9. Mandatory study halls until a 3.0 GPA is achieved
10. Dedicated Sports Information personnel who oversee the reporting of the sport to include (a) reporting of every competition
(b) management of our sport on Athletic website (c) gathering season stats (d) setting up media related opportunities for both team and individual athletes to include athletic, academic and community service reporting
11. All travel (air/bus) paid. Bus must have internet capability for team to study when traveling.
12 All hotels (only 2 athletes allowed per room) paid when traveling.
13. All meals when traveling paid
14. All meals when reporting to campus early or during break periods paid
15. Team Nutritionist
16. Team Strength and Conditioning Coach who focuses on building and recovery. Strength and Conditioning Coach develops pre-season, in-season and post-season comprehensive strength training program. All athletes are tested in various areas (strength, endurance, flexibility) and are tracked as individuals.
17. Dedicated practice space
18. Dedicated practice time with a block on their schedule so team is complete
19. Filming equipment
20. Gymnastic equipment to include harness and belt, all matting, spring board, etc and a budget dedicated to all equipment needs.
21. Laundry services for practice and compete apparel on a daily basis and supported by a department staffer.
22. All team apparel: 2 game day uniforms, pre-game uniform, 5 sets practice gear, winter warm-up, spring warm-up, team travel bag, team backpack, custom mouthguard, 2 sets of footwear (per trainer's recommendation), and varied training items (foam rollers etc)
23. Recruiting budget to include bringing in prospective student-athletes for Official Visits at the cost of the University per NCAA rules.
24. Leadership programs and various opportunities to represent the department both on and off-campus e.g.. 2 team members are selected to represent NCAA SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory Committee)
Just on SAFETY alone...having sport status IMO would make most parent's happy. As for Allstars ...hopefully the kids will continue to have varied options when they reach the collegiate level.