Wow! First, let me say i really haven't been on the board as much lately since my CP started doing college. I currently coach at an HBCU and want to say a few things.
1. I totally agree that there is usually a strong lack of support at most HBCU's of their cheer programs because they do not recognize cheer as a competitive sport! They financially support their basketball and football programs and just expect the cheerleaders to show up. At my school, they provide no funding, but did however buy one uniform for the athletes. Out of their own pockets the girls paid $300 which covered practice wear, shoes, bows, and a few visits from a tumbling coach.
2. The school in return for said uniform purchase expects the girls to perform at volleyball, and girls and boys basketball games (home and away). Also, any other school sponsored function they want a cheerleader at. Unfortunately, we don't have football, which could have been a good thing, i think.
3. I have 12+ years of experience coaching allstar and high school cheer, so college was new to me this year, but i'm a quick learner. Most of my athletes have a cheer background of some sort, so i have no idea what you guys mean about the 'HBCU style'?? I only know the UCA style, NCA style, and allstar style. My kids have received a variety of all my experience. However, I'm not a choreographer, and can't afford to bring one in.
4. We have 3 cheer strips and no tape! I've been fighting with the school to buy me 2 rolls. Now if i wasn't already feeding the girls almost every game, paid for signs and megaphones out of my own pocket already,… i might consider buying the tape, at this point it's the principal! LOL BTW, i've been asking for 4 more rolls to compete the floor, but they look like deer staring at headlights when i mention it??!
5. Southern does have an amazing program and their coach is a great, very helpful guy. But as stated, the few HBCU programs that do have fairly competitive programs are not given their due credit. Our athletic teams compete NAIA/GCAC. I'm familiar with MEAC and SAIC. I agree that both of them support and promote cheer for their athletes, but we're just not there yet. I don't know why??
6. My Cheerios are amazing little sponges that soak up everything they can get! I don't think disrespect is an HBCU thing, cuz high school and college kids in general can show disrespect and discontent when they're bored or not getting their way. Apparently, the last two years at my school before i arrive, the kids had a difficult time committing for the entire year because of lack of coaching, bonding, being allowed to stunt without proper training, and a bunch of other reasons. This yr, i started with 20, lost one who transferred after 1st semester, and 1 taking 18 hrs pre-med and work study this semester. FYI the school only wanted me to have 12-15 girls.
7. Because the university is very particular about their brand, we're only allowed to do certain fundraisers. Most of the ones we're allowed to do are not really profitable revenue producing. Also, by the time we get approval to do a fundraiser, it's almost too late or not practical anymore. We'll keep trying though.
8. @
CheerCoachDell since you're around he corner from us (we're in NOLA) we'd love for you to come and do clinics, camps, choreo, or anything else you think would help us be more competitive and grow our program!! There are several underfunded/NOT funded HBCU's in our area and yes, we're all in the same boat. 'We' have no problem accepting genuine help from someone sincerely doing it for the right reasons.
FYI anyone want to donate 2 -4" rolls of tape, a cheer mat or two, provide a clinic, camp, choreo, music, bows…. whatever! Feel free to private message me! LOL
I have no problem accepting a handout. Let me add, i get a stipend of $4,400 from the school for 25+ hours per week commitment from
August until April. SO, i def don't do this for the money. #iluvtocoachcheer, #iluvmycheerios