So you're a young high schooler not yet driving, about 2 hours outside of both Miami and Orlando. You were on a level 2 team, but you're currently blocking (or were recently blocking) on your bhs. You'd like to go to TG, you say they practice 3x a week. So you're looking at $320 a month easy in gas, plus an unhappy mother. Honestly, I'd pick a closer-in gym, and put that $320 a month (plus the money you may save in travel/comp fees) into tumbling/gymnastics/privates. Then maybe your junior or senior year you try to convince your mother to let you go to TG for a year or two. If you're keeping excellent grades, holding a part time job, and obviously and consistently pouring your heart, soul, sweat & own money into cheer, I know I would be more likely to consider a 2 hour drive for a year or two.
It looks like in your area you may have a couple options, not sure about the quality of the programs: