We moved from Illinois (in the St. Louis metro area). And originally we were going to move to Stingrays or Cheer Athletics knowing that they were the two biggest gyms in the country. We felt that that would give our girls the best opportunity at success in their sport. I have a brother who lives here in Oklahoma and he kept telling me there was a christian owned gym here named Twist & Shout and I should look them up. I insisted that Oklahoma doesn't have good cheerleading and being a "christian" gym they probably wore skirts down to their knees and babied their athletes for fear of hurting their feelings, etc. etc. Well I went to worlds for the first time that year specifically to watch Rays and CA and while I'm sitting there T&S comes on the floor. I was absolutely awe struck at what I saw. I felt they were just as clean and creative as Rays and CA and if they were truly a christian owned gym then that's where we wanted to be. We made a trip down here, met with Orson (the owner), the girls worked out with the teams they would be placed on and we fell in love right away. We put our house on the market and moved a month later. Crazy, I know. haha But 4 years later both of my girls have won NCA once and my oldest CP also has a world championship ring. :) I definitely believe we chose the right gym and couldn't be happier. :) So there's my psycho cheer mom story. haha