ooops! i realized i didn't share our traveling to practice.
we used to drive 12 minutes to our gym but due to some unforeseen circumstances we now drive one hour to a sister gym in another state. there are 3 other programs in our area within a 30 minute drive but my cp really wanted to stay with this program so we make the drive. as mentioned in my post above, there are about 22 girls who are commuting to this location. the owner provides a 15 passenger van to pick up the girls, get them to practice, they get them dinner then bring them home. we always make sure a parent is on the van with the girls but most parents drive down to the gym when they got off of work, including us so my cp always rides home with us. we practice 2 x a week, one of those on saturdays mornings at 9am (UGH!) where we have to get up at 6:30am to leave the house by 8am.
i think we are very fortunate to have a gym owner who is making such an effort to as supplying transportation and getting them dinner if they hadn't had it yet. i'm very proud to be with YO MAMA Allstars! ;)