All-Star How Important Are Facials?

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In HS we had to practice the 'A E I O U' facials for the coach. I did mine, but at every competition I refused and just smiled. I think we got a note about 'too much facials' at one competition lol..

I actually think there's a way the 'A E I O U' thing COULD look good: instead of just thinking of it as a letter, think of the words that have that smile that are moderately cheer-relevant, like 'hey' and 'ooh, lookey what I did' or something like that. I confess I am prone to winking, mostly in my daily life. I like it occasionally in routines, like when passing in transition to a major skill, like a 'In case you're curious, I'm about to do something awesome *cue awesome*
I think facials are important, however some people take it too far. i usually just sing the words and make sure i have a big smile on my face the whole time! You have to show the audience that you love what your doing and you want to be there on that team! A routine isnt as fun to watch if your not smiling and looking like your not having any fun ;)
In HS we had to practice the 'A E I O U' facials for the coach. I did mine, but at every competition I refused and just smiled. I think we got a note about 'too much facials' at one competition lol..

I'm terrible at facials. Terrible. My friend said to me once that I have this one smile plastered to my face the whole routine and it doesn't change. Sometimes I make a facial or two in the dance but that's about it. Although when I set for a stunt or hit a pyramid I do the chin up thing.
Performing is important to the judges and the scoresheet. I've heard judges say many times on commentary sheets and recording tapes that they should want to get out on the floor and cheer with you.I don't really have a favorite facial just anything that doesn't make me look deranged.F5 are really awesome performers!I don't think we forget much about the sport just because of the vanity. A big part of the sport is to put on a show and draw attention to your team. But yeah sometimes they totally can become a distraction.
Sorry, this thread confuses the hell out of me... how on earth do you perform without facial expressions? I can't imagine lol
haha i think that people are just saying that they don't like to see crazy facials (like sticking your tongue out, bit O faces, A E I O U faces, that kind of thing) they want to see athletes having fun, smiling, singing the music, winks are cute. so there's facial expressions just not the over the top ones that you used to see on the floor.
Genuinely happy, excited, surprised, diva/tude, flirty, etc expressions that are just a bit more exaggerated are the way to go IMO.... we have to remember that this is a performance sport. You do need to be exaggerated in a lot of what you do, because the judges are so far away. Hence why we need crazy makeup:)
CP started cheer when facials started. At her first competition, I thought the flyer was signaling for a 911 rescue with her facials as something had gone terrible wrong. Then I realized they were all doing it. I'm with the happy, smiling, singing the song crowd with a sassy look or two thrown here and there. I also like when flyers work motion and facial expressions that go with the music and voiceovers. When I think "facials", I think of the tortured faces I saw at that first competition. I think that was of the "A,I,O,U" type stuff someone mentioned earlier.
I help demo for a popwarner team and in popwarner you have to be careful about your facials. Your not allowed to shake or bobble your head alot, they are afraid it looks like your having a seizure.:confused:
I love when I see girls sing the music, have high energy with chin held high and a big SMILE:D No forced facials please....
I think everyone should just perform like me! ;) BOBBLE HEAD AND OHH FACE! :eek: That is the safest thing to do! (please understand my sarcasm)
Facials isn't so important (for me) I think, it's the performance that counts! Shooting Stars always have a wonderful performance in their routine. They keep the energy up in the whole program! :)

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