All-Star How Many Classes/privates Do You Take?

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Cheer Parent
Apr 11, 2011
How many classes and/or privates do you take weekly on top of regular team practice?
We have an hour tumbling class with our practices so that's twice a week, on top of 1 private and 2 extra classes. So about 5 times a week I'm tumbling. It's a lot because I'm getting over a mental block but being in the gym this much, it's working. Hard work= results

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Cp takes an hour of tumbling a week...usually ends up only going about 3x month.
She only takes privates if she's having a major issue with something, ex: she had a growth spurt and lost some skills and was stressing about it.
She also goes to open gyms about 2-3 times a month.

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It depends on where CP is in her tumbling. She normally takes 2 tumble classes a week bc she has to work hard for her skills. We've learned that for her, one class helps her maintain skills and two classes help her advance.

We reserve privates for mental blocks or if she's THIS close to a skill and wants a little more gym time to get it.

She goes through spurts where she is taking every class she can plus open gyms, etc. Sometimes she takes a break from all of the extra classes. I just tell her what's available and she tells me what she wants to sign up for.
I normally do two privates a week although I've been super busy and haven't kept up with that lately. I don't normally do classes because I like being able to have one on one time with my coach where I can pick what to work on. Plus i can easily schedule them whenever I'm free so it doesn't have to be the same each week like with classes.

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My cp has been taking a LOT of privates lately. She was so close to her standing tuck and got up to 3 days a week for privates along with her 3 practice days. Now that she's made a level 4 team, she has to continue with the privates (flying mostly) to make sure she's ready for the upcoming season. She's jumping from a level 2 to a 4 because her gym didn't have a level 3 last year so we are doing everything we can to prepare her for the learning curve. I think we'll do 2 privates a week over the summer and then cut back to 1 a week when the season ramps up.
Such reasonable people you are!

I've talked to parents/kids who have had such rigorous private schedules that it made me wonder when they are actually IN SCHOOL/EATING/SLEEPING.

"Can you try to squeeze her in for a private somewhere in there? Oh we have privates Monday-Thursday from 3-5 at Gym A for stunting and 6-8 at Gym B for flying. Then she has a stretch class Thursday nights from 8-9 and a jump class from 9:15-10 PM on Fridays."

WHAT. That is more intense than my work schedule at my day job. I can't.
Such reasonable people you are!

I've talked to parents/kids who have had such rigorous private schedules that it made me wonder when they are actually IN SCHOOL/EATING/SLEEPING.

"Can you try to squeeze her in for a private somewhere in there? Oh we have privates Monday-Thursday from 3-5 at Gym A for stunting and 6-8 at Gym B for flying. Then she has a stretch class Thursday nights from 8-9 and a jump class from 9:15-10 PM on Fridays."

WHAT. That is more intense than my work schedule at my day job. I can't.
My cp is 13. I have found lately that if the private time is not one that she wants (if she had plans to hang out with friends instead for instance or if it is too early on a weekend morning) she will not be as productive and it is just a waste of time and money.
My big issue lately had been with the gym rats who have their privates and then hang out in the gym the rest of the day. I find them distracting to both cp and to the coach, and I wish there was a nice way to tell them to please get their little gym rat a$$es off the tumble track and out of the gym when cp is having her private. Unfortunately they are good friends and teammates of cp and there really is no tactful way to handle this aside from speaking directly to the coach, which is planned for her next private.
Yes. Anywhere I coached had a rule that people who are in classes, practice, or a private have equipment priority. That and if you were not doing any of the above, you needed to not distract others or be crazy loud, otherwise you could be asked to leave. Kids will be kids but not to the point that other kids who are working can't get things done.
My CP practices twice a week and has a one hour private once a week. This week she has two additional
30 minute privates (at her request) to help focus on a specific skill. Rarely do we add in anything additional to the one hour private just because I don't want her to over do it. I really empower her to tell me when she wants more gym time after all she is the one doing it :)
One tumble class a week (except the month of April :( and it's included in our tuition)
And open gym, we do pretty much every open gym our gym offers which is twice a week.

However because of tryouts, summit team practices, and during competition season they get cancelled here and there so that's not an all the time thing.

Maybe 2-3 privates a year. Her first two years in cheer she was in multiple privates a week but that's when they were so cheap at our other gym lol.

I think in 2013 she had one at CA supercamp just because she wanted to. She had another private one day at our gym someone asked her to join their private because they thought it would help push their kid a little. Then she asked for one for her full one day because it was looking really good in tumbling class and she wanted to get 1 on 1 with a certain coach. That was actually the day he made her throw it by herself to break out of her comfort zone. It was maybe a week later she got it and I will say that private was probably a huge factor.

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