Our local Allstar team had us sign a contract having us pay the full years tuition and fees in the event that you quit the team. However, the coaches are young and they dont have any patience with the children and regularly scream at them if they dont get something right. Even with a child who always tries her hardest and puts in 100% effort at every single practice. The coach, on the very first night of the season, screamed in my daughter face "Get out of my face!!" and "Shut up!" on the top of her lungs because my daughter was having a hard time learning something. I had a talk with management and she no longer yells "get out of my face" but instead yells whatever else at them instead. My daughter came from a gymnastics gym that was in the top 3 in the country and was very strict. She has very good work ethic, unlike my son who I expect more coaches to yell and get on him. This screaming has a lot of the girls crying (my daughter is 11) and has taken my daughter from living and breathing the sport to absolutely hating it and is hysterical that she doesn't want to go back ever again. She has been hysterical about going back since Mon night, it is now Wednesday and I don't know what to do. We are under contract that I am kicking myself for signing. My husband is forcing her to go to practice and I know she will only rebel to this and hate it even more. I want to teach her to not be so sensitive and get thicker skin but at the same time she shouldn't have to put up with people who don't treat her good. If I had known their was this kind of treatment towards the kids I never would have signed the contract. Anyone been through anything like this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!