So I know there are many threads just like this one but they are focused in different competitions and trivias. Now, let's just focus in Cheerleading Worlds =)
1. Cheer Athletics was the first gym to won in large senior all girl division, maryland twisters got silver, who got bronze?
=American Cheer from Bakersfield, CA
2. During 2008 worlds, Cheer Athletics Panthers did 11 stunts, during the same season, a particular large senior all girl team did 12 STUNTS, what is the name of that team?
3. What year did Spirit of Texas won their first world championship?
=by silver..04, gold..05
4. Team with longest streak of world championship for four consecutive season.
5. Before maryland marlins tsunami become large senior, they were small senior during 2009 worlds, what place did they get during that time?
6. Cheer Extreme Small Senior didn't have a ripple in their stunt sequence during 20_ _ worlds.
7. In 2008 worlds, Brandon Senior Black competed in what division?
=Large Senior Limited Coed
8. This International All Girl Level 6 Team won gold during 2008 worlds because they are the only team competed in this division, what is the name of that team?
9. The first large senior all girl team that did 9 stunts?
=F5 worlds 04
10. The first large senior all girl team that did 9 kick doubles?
=Panthers 08
11. First team that won international all girl division?
12. First non-american team that won worlds?
13. Highest place Charlotte Allstars reached?
=2nd in large senior worlds 06
14. How many tic tocs does Senior Elite have during 2007 worlds?
15. The only year Senior Elite did 9 tic tocs?
16. The first special needs team to showcase their routine at worlds?