I Need Weight Loss Help!

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Jul 12, 2012
i am an on and off flyer, because this year they combined seniors and juniors on my team. i had always flown and it's what i love, i wouldn't say i'm bad at it either. I am 4'11 and around 107, but since i am more full figured, they always automatically chose the thinner girls and only sometimes put me in the air. i work whenever i can on my flying skills but i would like to loose some weight so that they will not have an excuse to prejudice about me and i'm also a bit uncomfortable with my weight as it is. it's not so much how i loose, i just want it to be visible, please help with any weight loss tips that won't be so unhealthy that it will effect cheer and possibly ways to keep committed ?
Eat a healthy and balanced diet, drink lots of water, and take extra tumbling classes. Do not drink sodas (even diet ones) because they are full of sugars and chemicals. Diets are not going to help you with anything as far as long term health goes. Anything you lose will just come back and you will wind up feeling sick from fasting. Focus on overall health and exercise.
Eat healthy and work out, to keep your body fit rather than trying to lose weight! Grab a buddy to go through the process with you, so you'll encourage each other. Walking or running with someone is a great way to do that along with your cheer practices and conditioning which will help tone.

For eating healthy, my tips are:
Cut down on the eating out if you can, to cook your own food. Eat lots of fruits and veggies(celery, apples, carrots, bell peppers,etc. all make great snacks), and go for natural products when you can (things where they don't add a bunch of corn syrup,sodium, or chemicals into a processed product). Protein is also key (eggs, certain types of nuts, natural peanut butter, grilled chicken, etc.) which can be paired with occasionally some whole wheat products. Nix unnecessary sugar drinks such as soda & juices that have added sugars, and unnecessary super salty snacky food that doesn't fill you up(potato chips, etc). Finally, don't try to deprive yourself of everything or you'll cave and eat worse one day than you would in a whole week...... A little reward per week is fine! Just be smart about things and keep a good balance.:) Many food items have healthier alternatives also that are tasty and great, which can be good options.
Eat clean. Less than ten ingrediants, and make sure you know what they are. This means no fats, sugars, salt, etc. TONS of water. 3L a day. Even if you aren't able to get out and excersise all of the time you will start seeing yourself thin down if you STICK TO IT. Just like anything else, being healthy takes work, but it's definetley worth the struggle and dedication! If you need any tips on how, message me. I've been doing it a few months now and already see results and have become more toned. (This is alongside working at the gym daily.) Abs are made 20% in the gym, 80% in the kitchen! ;)
you should go on a small jog. or just really work hard at practice. < that helps me loose a little. but make sure when you eat, you portion size and don't eat too many snacks during the day. (unless its like fruits or something like that)
  • drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water a day (you'll have to pee A LOT when you start, but your body will get usesd to it)
  • jog.
  • eat CLEAN. that doesn't mean 100 calorie snacks, that means food that is as close to it's natural state as possible (fruits, veggies, etc)

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