I like having a range for a set of skills. Jamfest already does this for its judges basically.
Lets say for jumps. They have it mapped out exactly what jumps the team does with what point bracket it falls into.
(this is not what their breakdown is, i'm just using it for arguements sake)
9.1-9.3 - 3 jump combination and extra jump
9.3-9.5 - 4 jump combination and extra jump
9.5-9.7 - 3 jump combination with extra combination
9.7-9.9 - 4 jump combination with extra combination
This way you know exactly where you are going to fall. Coaches can decide if it is worth the difficulty points to try and go up on the ladder and if they want to sacrifice execution. Variety and creativity are what will dictate where in that small range you fall.
Same thing can be done with stunts
Perhaps you say that you need X elements in a stunt section. 3 flexibility skills, 2 transitional elements, 2 entries. 2 dismounts. That would get you in the 9-10 point range. Then skills are listed in difficulty order, much like the coed stunting list from USASF. There could be a different list for Twisting skills, release skills, inversions. This way a judge could have a set idea of what scores higher.
Full up
full and a quarter
full up immediate
full and a quarter immediate
full and a half up
full and a half up immediate
double up
double up immediate
This could be done for every type of skill that we do.
For tumbling it could be ranked
Double full
1 specialty through to double
2 specialty through to double
flipping skill immediately connected to a double
2 connected specialties through to a double.