All-Star Is It A Reasonable Request? Moms, You Probably Know Best

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Mar 25, 2010
so while i'm not allowed to cheer, of course i'm trying to find every loop hole there is. and today i finally actually came up with one that seems logical, at least to me lol i know that there would be alot on the line for my team/coach if she just "left a spot open for me" and put me in the routine come december when i'm off the anti coagulants, considering they are normally working on the routine in late october/early november, not to mention i am not 100% guaranteed to be done by december, or even 100% positive i'll be ready to run a routine full out the first like day back in the game lol so if i can't compete at nationals with slippery rock, i want to ask my mom if she would help me out with paying to do pittsburgh superstars for worlds. I would also need to talk to aimee (the coach) and see if that would even work, though last year she was willing to put me on the team after the chaos of nationals. my mom was very adament in her "no more allstars after highschool" (well, at least on her dime ;) ) but she also knows how important cheer is to me, and how much it is killing me to not do anything. i know it would be alot to ask, especially with money/transportation/school and practice schedule/my health/doctors appointments, not to mention my sister is getting married in early june and i am the maid of honor, and will have to come home alot to help out. so, what do ya'll think? help little showstopper haha

peace, love, and happy cheering

It would never hurt to sit down and talk to your mom about it. You will never know until then and I am sure your mom won't flip out on you if you explain how you feel about it. If she says no then at least you attempted.
I admire you so much for working this problem from every angle. I see you attacking this obstacle constantly. You are truly being tested now. What has all stars taught you? Fall down 7 times stand up 8.

I love you Showstopper! I don't know what will happen--will you get to cheer this season? Is it over? Your journey through this is maddening and captivating. I want to fix everything for you--but I think you're a smart girl and you will werk it out.
; )
I think your mom will understand. She knows that cheerleading is something that you love and that you miss it! Definetly sit her down and just tell her. I love how dedicated you are to the sport and keep faith! God has his plans for you:) hopefully you can do it and god will give you the strength to get back into it. It wont be easy but tour so determined that you can do anything that you set your mind too. Goodluck:)
Here's more of a coach voice than a momma voice coming out: Do you think that, if your Dr clears you in Dec, you'd be able to come back at 100%? You may be cleared by your Dr for physical activity in Dec, but he/she may tell you that you can only do light cardio. You might not be cleared for stunting and tumbling for a while still. Another angle to that is at that point you'd have had about 8 months'll need to bust tushie to get skills back up to par.

Ok, now comes the momma voice: Use this year off to focus on getting your health back and your school work. Take the extra time you have (since you're not cheering) to really focus on school work and get your GPA as high as possible. You mentioned having to do your internship with the field hockey team..are you still doing that this semester?
I'm upset you don't think dad's know best

my dad would probably do the same as @BowCat 's, because i'm his favorite :D (and because it is mom who pays the bills... )he didn't want me to have middle child syndrome, which i would say works, seeing as my mom has raised 3 only children. therefore, i was afraid that might taint the dad spectrum of opinions. but heck, @ACEDAD is like my second father and is beyond helpful with everything, and you too @SharkDad have been like a second daddy even though i still have not even met you! (which needs to be fixed) so i apologize, dad's too would know best :D
Here's more of a coach voice than a momma voice coming out: Do you think that, if your Dr clears you in Dec, you'd be able to come back at 100%? You may be cleared by your Dr for physical activity in Dec, but he/she may tell you that you can only do light cardio. You might not be cleared for stunting and tumbling for a while still. Another angle to that is at that point you'd have had about 8 months'll need to bust tushie to get skills back up to par.

Ok, now comes the momma voice: Use this year off to focus on getting your health back and your school work. Take the extra time you have (since you're not cheering) to really focus on school work and get your GPA as high as possible. You mentioned having to do your internship with the field hockey team..are you still doing that this semester?

that is something we have to talk to her about. we're not really sure how this works, like when i stop the coumadin, do i just continue on with normal life? because technically that means everything is back to normal. in that regard, that is how its different from an injury. however, not doing anything cheer related for 8 months? yeah. that ones gonnna hurt me a bit. i am allowed to condition and do cardio, but i need to ere on the side of caution, just take it easy and do enough so that my muscles don't turn to jello like they do in a cast.
and yes i will still be with field hockey this semester, which i'm probably underestimating how time consuming that will be....
i will still be with field hockey this semester, which i'm probably underestimating how time consuming that will be....

Basically, you'll be a member of the field hockey team! You'll have to be at all practices and games. Do you travel with the team? We had a student trainer with us for cheerleading. They were at every practice and game, and when we travelled they went with us.
my dad would probably do the same as @BowCat 's, because i'm his favorite :D (and because it is mom who pays the bills... )he didn't want me to have middle child syndrome, which i would say works, seeing as my mom has raised 3 only children. therefore, i was afraid that might taint the dad spectrum of opinions. but heck, @ACEDAD is like my second father and is beyond helpful with everything, and you too @SharkDad have been like a second daddy even though i still have not even met you! (which needs to be fixed) so i apologize, dad's too would know best :D

I feel better :shark hugs:
ok, so now that I have been included (still warm fuzzy :) ) here are my thoughts for you.

You are showing dedication and your passion for the sport, which I would not want to discourage. There are a lot of "what ifs" though so I think you should answer as many of those as possible before going to mom.

- 1st and most important would be to see if you can find out from your doctor, or reading, what level of activity you can expect when you come off of medication.
- Talk to Aimee to see whether she would be willing to consider you for the team after December. I say "consider" because if I were coach this would be totally conditional on you staying in shape. You and I both know that if you aren't in shape that could actually be more risky to both you and the team.
- Find out what ways you can make money to offset the cost since you know this is one of you're mom's concerns
- Have a plan set out for how you will be able to manage all this and school. This would be another of my concerns.

If you do all this homework and can present it to mom in a respectful, un-emotional manner she will be more likely to support it.
First and foremost, your health is the most important. Only plan to go back unless you are sure your dr. will indeed clear you.

That being said, a few thoughts. . .Superstars does monthly individual fund raising year round. If you were a past Sr. 5, you know Aimee is very likely to consider putting you on the team (Open at the very least), so see if you can start fundraising now to put money into your booster account. Second, I think you know that being put on the team up to the very last minute is a very viable option considering past practices. If that's something you are going to seriously consider, start planning financially now.

You mentioned your Slippery Rock coach being a she - is Kinsey not coaching SR anymore?
I'm not a mom, obviously, but I've been through my fair share of debilitating injuries, and as you said you may have to treat this as such, I would recommend taking this season off. You won't be able to get back into the stunting/tumbling until December, at the earliest, and that's assuming you're allowed to right away. I remember (though the condition/sickness was completely different) I was advised not to stunt even up to 2 months after the doctor had cleared me of mono (though in this case, it may have been because of the specifics of the sickness). Chances are, you won't feel 100% right away, and tumbling is not something you want to rush back into, especially after 8 months, I know that one from experience (one of those previously mentioned injuries), and you really should take it slowly tumbling especially after that 8 months. Maybe you'll get lucky and be perfectly okay afterwards, you can really only make the call then, when you know how you're feeling, but if it's something that will affect you, if even for only a month after treatment ends, I'd suggest taking the rest of the season to heal up fully, condition your butt off, and be ready to get tumbling at a high level again, it does take a huge toll on the body.
@MissBee I do go to practices and games, the only thing I may not go to (because this is only my first year in the program, or because the student ATs don't go, I'm unsure of) is away games
@SharkDad I am very glad I included dads, because that was extremely helpful!! :) definitely better than anything my own dad would say haha shark hugs back!
@MyDaughterCheers Kinsey only coaches all girl, I'm on coed. and aimee knows me pretty well because I was going to do open last year, but with my financial situation it was not possible.

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