All-Star Is It A Reasonable Request? Moms, You Probably Know Best

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I hope for the very best for you. I go along with what everyone has said above. Keep in mind, that you probably will not be cleared after December. Just because you're scheduled to be coming off of the medication in December, doesn't mean you'll be cleared right away. It could be a month later.

My advice for you. Talk to Aimee about also working off tuition ect (in addition to mom agreeing with paying). Most gyms need coaches for the younger teams (I personally see you being great at coaching the little ones. They would LOVE you). Not only would this help out your parents financially, but you'll be able to start working out when you're ready.

It's tough when you reach a point that cheer is starting to pass you by. Unfortunately for you, your health is pushing cheer away. This could be the perfect avenue for you to choose how you remain in cheer. Get your foot in the door with coaching, and get yourself prepared for if and when you are allowed to cheer again.

Good Luck!
It's not completely analogous, but my athletic career essentially ended because I tried to come back way too soon from a serious injury. (I basically broke my ankle twice in the space of about eight months.) Because of this, I suffer from arthritis that will eventually lead me to either have ankle fusion or replacement surgery.

I second ACEDAD here - I understand the drive and desire to continue to do something you love, but at the end of the day your long-term health is important.
I will give you a lot of credit for your dedication and strong desire to continue to cheer and to attend Worlds, but I agree with the others about your health being most important. I recommend that you speak with your doctor first to check what your status will be in December even if you are off the coumadin and see if cheering is even a possibility before you speak with Aimee or your parents. Why speak with the coach and your parents if your doctor won't clear you to even cheer; there's no need too speak with them and get yourself all worked up if your doctor says no to cheering this season. But if you can't cheer, what else can you do? I would find out what activity and exercise guidelines you must follow and use this time to condition and prepare for next year's cheer season, if your doctor will clear you for these activity levels-always follow your doctor's orders. Good luck with everything going on in your life; everything will eventually work out, maybe not as quickly as you would hope it will, but it will. Remember that your health is more important than anything else, even going to Worlds!!

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