If you’re going to college soon, I’m assuming you’re 18 or about to be 18 shortly. That means you need open teams, which yes, tend to be those huge impressive level 6 and 7 TG Worlds teams. It is obviously extremely dependent on your skills, but as I’m sure you know, these teams are competitive during tryouts. Because of age, your options are more limited than a teen’s are, so yes, it is unfortunately a possibility you may not be accepted on any team.
I wish you lots of luck though! If you make it, that’s be awesome, but if you don’t, then that’s a good thing too. I made a Worlds team in college and it was my whole life, and then I was replaced by a taller backspot. Crushing, but it allowed me to focus on making connections at school and trying other things I wouldn’t have bothered with otherwise. College is already such a big transition, you’ll be okay either way.