This makes sense - and not just because I was included. :D I think there's a lot to this idea. Because you're right - I'm not going to just come on here and post any old thing without verifying it with at least a few people that know it to be true. Because I post on here regularly, and many people on here (I'd even say just about everyone at this point) know, or could easily find out, who I am in real life. I'm not really interested in making myself look like an idiot or a liar to thousands of people. Whereas someone who is completely anonymous can pretty much say what they want and then sit back and watch the fallout.
Interesting. Thanks - I really hadn't thought about it that way.
king bonus points for using the word malarkey (albeit misspelled :p ), one of my favorite "parent words" of all time (you
know only parents use that word :rolleyes: )
cheermommaRN baaaaaaahahahaha that picture!