Taylor Ham is that salty goodness that makes your mouth water when you smell it cooking and it tastes best on a bagel or hard roll with or without the egg and cheese. @
cheermommaRN @wiscoggirl when you order a Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese to go at a bagel shop or a deli, they hand you a little silver wrapped sandwich and on it they have written TEC or TC or TEC+SPK so you know which sandwich is yours. T=Taylor Ham E=egg C=cheese S=salt P=pepper K=Ketchup. Please don't tell me you live in the land of Catsup? Cause I have no idea what that is and we definitely can't be friends, nor can you sit with us. :p
I had no idea it was a NJ phenomenon....I guess it is kind of like how we don't pump are own gas and he we have the best diners, great bagels and really good pizza. NJ is actually really beautiful too...I live in the garden part of The Garden state, with a lot of tree's, flowers, and horses. It is sad that people think NJ looks like Newark Liberty Airport cause it is way more than that.
Can I just add how stupid I look when I travel out of state and have to pump my own gas....it must be a learned skill. Who knew?