All-Star Is It True Cheer Command Is Closing?

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These are all good points, but they should be done in person not on a message board. That is just tacky.

This is not the kind of thread to get locked....yet (otherwise I would have already done so), although nothing good is really coming from it.

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I do agree they should be done in person with BOTH owners.
When I read this post I did what any person who wants the truth is I called and asked what was going on? People can say hear say or this or that, but if you want to know the truth find out. This wasn't a competition lunch... this is something very important to people. A gym is like a child and for must of us who own a gym we will do whatever we can to make that child better. We love the gym and care for it like no other! It is our live and when I see something like this I will reach out to make sure everything is ok. Again if you want to know call and find out. The question has been answer NO they are not closing :)

That is crazy to say no. Their are 6 tax liens from the Irs you can look up online, the rent is behind months, the loans are defaulted on, they can't get another loan, the owner has her mom paying for competitions, they have two owners filing lawsuits against each other with no agreement in sight, and you tell people the gym is staying open. That is reckless and will impact tons of kids. Did the owner tell you this. This is why generals left and why the other owner left. Their is a problem and the owner needs to come clean with her families. Not have people lie for her.
Everyone saying the owner is so nice but the kids are wrong for leaving a terrible situation, where they were put between two owners is wrong. The owner has people coming on here giving her side but the families that are getting screwed can't.
I'm so very very sad for the kids that have been there for 10+ years.

Why do the egos of (some) adults involved, outweigh, these kids?

When Allstar cheerleading DEFINES you, as an adult, as a are the problem. Let these kids do what they love.
You seem to have changed your mind.

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I should have known you would be proven right, once again. This thread should have been locked. And CC's finances are nobody's business but their own and that of the people impacted by the situation. That post should be deleted, IMO.
what sounded like a kid in the beginning now sounds more like an adult. I wish the down-vote was still an option. I'm sorry for the kids, coaches and families that are stuck in the middle. I'm even sorrier that someone decided this wasn't getting the attention they felt it deserved and started airing dirt that is none of our business.
Off topic: How does one let a business get to such a point of financial shambles? Wouldn't you be scared that you'll hit a point of no return and decide to just take your losses instead of letting it get worse?
So I know Famous had very similar financial problems caused directly by poor financial decision making and I was beyond upset that they continued to accept money from customers (aka my friends) knowing full well that their money problems weren't going away. I also remember everyone on here being fine discussing Famous' financials - in way more detail than this. Fierce board loves to be the great fbi that outs everyone else in the world for everything else they do - why is this different? Because we like cheer command? I liked ztaprincess too - but we fried that girl for dishonesty.

Speaking from experience I can honestly say that it is beyond frustrating when you are one of the people watching your friends be lied to and misled when it is something that involves children or money. This involves both. It is also beyond frustrating when you post something on here and everyone basically says "you have no proof" and "well the owners say it is not true so obviously it's not" and pretty much calls you a liar.

I'm not saying I'm jumping for joy that ICheergirl posted that much financial detail, but I am saying that out of frustration sometimes ya do kind of get like "Aaaaarrrgghhh! Why doesn't anyone see that this is happening? Why are they acting like I'm the one in the wrong? I'll show them 'facts'!" So sometimes facts that you weren't going to spill end up "out" because you want people to stop telling you you're wrong.

Personally I think it's wrong to take money from people, misuse it, and then tell them everything is fine. I think customers have a right to know what is going on with their money and their children. All I see is Famous all over again, just with a more reputable, long-running program. Sadly, lots of these kids are the same kids that came from Famous, so they're having to go through this again (as are their parents).

ETA this does make me more sad than the Famous thing though - because I really liked ccr and never saw this coming. Famous I saw from a mile away. Either way I'd like the kids to just get a clean break and be able to start over while it's still summer.

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Off topic: How does one let a business get to such a point of financial shambles? Wouldn't you be scared that you'll hit a point of no return and decide to just take your losses instead of letting it get worse?

Stop loss theory. Ever play that game where you put in quarters into the the machine to have this little arm push them over the side to win more quarters? And it looks like a ton are about to fall, but you add 30 and nothing falls off the edge. So you add more because you have already added 30 and to recoup your losses you just need to invest more. Thats what happens to people a lot.
Stop loss theory. Ever play that game where you put in quarters into the the machine to have this little arm push them over the side to win more quarters? And it looks like a ton are about to fall, but you add 30 and nothing falls off the edge. So you add more because you have already added 30 and to recoup your losses you just need to invest more. Thats what happens to people a lot.

omg that game gets me EVERY time. of course i never win squat.
@Just-a-Mom - I couldn't agree more with what you said, and I don't necessarily have an issue with what icheergirl is posting - if there are financial issues with a gym, I would want to know if my thousands of dollars I am required to pay months before my child steps an Nfinity on the mat are never going to see a return. My issue is the approach she used. She started the thread and acted like she had no information and was wondering what was going on. Then, less than 24 hours later it turned out she had a lot of information. That just screams shade to me. I would not have had so much of an issue if she had called a spade for a spade and started the thread with information rather than bait and when no one was hooked she started firing off answers to her own question.