All-Star Is School Cheerleading A Sport? I Know That All Star Definitly Is

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If you asked any girl/guy on my team or our Varsity, if sideline is a sport they'd all say no. Because its not. I do literally almost nothing at games. The occasional lib or heel stretch but thats it. In Illinois I only know a handful of schools that don't compete. Or at least in northern illinois. Some of the top state teams could be level 5. Here if you want a prayer of making top 10 at state you have to be doubling out of single legged stunts, majority standing backs and some fulls in there. Its absolutely sport if you're competing.
Sideline cheerleading no but once you step onto that competitive mat, yes!
our school team is more allstarry than highschooly. we have workouts 3 times a week, along with practice every day. its like allstar but minus half the cost and on hard floors. it just depends on the area, but yes, i believe if you compete it is a sport.

some of you all are saying 'well if you do level 4 or 5 skills it is a sport when you're competing high school, but if you do lower skills it isn't.' thats kindof like saying level 3 and below allstar isn't considered a sport. i agree, some teams dont do many skills in their routine, but just because it is coming from a school and not a gym doesn't make it any less of a sport. its hard to tumble on the non spring floor, half of the girls on our team will throw fulls on the spring floor and can barley do a roundoff tuck on the harder floor. it just really depends on your skill level as a team, as it does in all star, but you can have basically a level 5 team going against a level one team.

Not only the area, It gets down to the schools.
I cheer for my highschool and it is purely sideline, Only I and two or three others can tumble... and I mean simply backhandsprings. However, Our rival high school has quite a few fulls and pretty solid level 3/4 stunting skills. Another high school in the area also has these same assets. Its simply down to the school and who cheers there. It even changes year to year.

Amen to that. This year's varsity squad at my school compared to last year's is like Orange to a tiny 1 team. HUGE difference. Crazy what one class graduating does to a school's athletic system.
I got varsity letters for football cheerleading. Winter cheerleading in Maine is classified as a sport by the Maine Principal's Association, and winter season is the only season in the state with competitions. In some schools, the winter team cheers for both basketball and competitions. Other schools have separate squads for hockey, basketball, and competition (girls overlap on squads though and nobody exclusively competes).
During fall season we had to perform a halftime routine at each game. This routine had the same elements as a competition routine--tumbling (limited to tucks as the field is slippery), stunts, pyramid, etc. Does it matter that it wasn't competed?

I was wondering the same thing. My varsity squad has basically done 3 competitive routines from August to November. We only performed them at pep rallies and football halftimes, but these routines all had everything your average allstar routine does. We're at about a level 4/5 range of stunting with a level 3 range of tumbling. Our squad almost competed this year, but when we started to discuss it, half the girls wouldn't have been able to make it and our JV squad is not nearly strong enough to bring girls up from there. :( Always next year!
I think school cheerleading has a harder time being recognized as a sport because of the many different levels of ability and the various different types of school cheerleading programs. The other thing I didn't see when I skimmed the 3 pages is the intent. Yes, a lot of schools compete but their MAIN PURPOSE is to support the teams the majority of the time. I personally think competitive school cheer is a sport, but I can definitely see where the argument saying it's not is coming from.
here in West Virginia , it is a sport :) if someone doesn't think so , that is their opinion.. but it definitely is a sport. yes we cheer games on Fridays for football and whenever for basketball but , we still work our butts off for that 2:30.. not to mention , we do it alll on wood floor.
which comp is that that they don't have to use mats? Jesus that's scary.

and in New York cheerleading is a sport as well. I even remember the year it was made a sport my coach was freaking out (in an annoying, overly-cautious way) because of all the rules and new requirements.

at my school we were under Section I and school sports team in that division could be eligible to win section champs and what not, no matter your sport (you just had to compete or win your games and be good... duh...).

my high school sideline team was a flaming joke though we were so bad and most of the girls on the team were un-athletic and were cheerleaders just for the sake of being a "cheerleader". they didn't care about the sport and my coach had no clue what she was doing and would make any of the girl's who did all stars educate and do most of the work.

needless to say we all go varsity letters, pins, etc.

i think if you COMPETE high school, all star, whatever, no matter the skill level it's a sport. if you are sideline it's not. sideline may sometimes be athletic but that's about it.
well my high school isnt allowed to stunt and im pretty sure that the hardest pass thrown is a round off back handspring back other than that they just do cheers so id say probably not but thats just my high school but it makes me mad when high schools compete and they have cheer extreme or california all stars voiceovers and they really arent good. its like id like to see you do half of the stuff us all stars do.
I hate these types of posts 1: just b/c high school in places is more regulated doesn't make it better or worse then all-star, truly a matter of opinion.... 2: I have seen all-star teams that are quite tragic and it upsets me and you can tell that it is not more diffucult then HS cheer, etc.

Your opinion is your opinion re: All-Star being harder, I would agree that 90% of the time, All-Star is more difficult from a financial and time perspective and your program and team lever as there really is never a true break, HOWEVER, I coach HS and we really don't have a break either... tryouts in May, summer practices, weight room and conditioning, football, competition/choreography prep, fall competition (regionals, state level, and local), basketball, competition (nationals and larger local), all sorts of parades, appearences, school functions b/c the girls are ambasadors of the school and represent the school, and then well, once the end of March hits, it will slow down for eh.. 4-6 weeks and then tryouts in May!

Is HS Cheer a sport.. well, it is most definitly a sport if you tumble, stunt, jump and especially compete, but if you are in a state that can compete nationally we would love the label athletic activity to keep it! Is All-Star Cheer a sport, also YES, but the label for all-star doesn't matter.....
I think that it all matters on what the High School team does. I know at mine...yes, we do compete...but I think that it also matters on skills. Janky handspring and tucks that scary you...shouldnt be happening. Its THAT simple. Also, scary stunts that change every practice. no. obviously. that is not a sport...Its a deathtrap....
I don't think its fair to say all star is 2342394239482390 times harder than school cheer (unless its just cheering at games). We compete, we just do it differently than all stars. One girl on my team last year said that our school routine was harder than her all star routine because in the school routine you never stop doing stuff but during all star you have a little break during running tumbling, for example. And I feel like High school cheerleaders have to do more things than alll star cheerleaders. All star cheerleaders pretty much just have practice, tumbling & comps. For high school its practice, comps, tumbling, football games, basketball games (boys & girls), making locker signs & break through signs & hanging them up, pep rallies.... like all star cheerleading it's a HUGE time commitment. Thats why I think its unfair to say that all star is harder than high school cheerleading.
IMO, high school cheerleading IS a sport.
I think that it all matters on what the High School team does. I know at mine...yes, we do compete...but I think that it also matters on skills. Janky handspring and tucks that scary you...shouldnt be happening. Its THAT simple. Also, scary stunts that change every practice. no. obviously. that is not a sport...Its a deathtrap....

I literally rolled out my chair at work laughing at this one!! Thinking back to my High School days, I can clearly say most of the time at High School games when we were supposed to be gasping in excitement at the cheerleaders, we were on the edge of our seats hoping no one got hurt from trying a cartwheel or roundoff and any stunting..........Trauma center was always on standby!!

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