All-Star Is The Grass Any Greener At Another Gym?

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Peace out cub scout. I can sort of accept adding kids. I can't accept kicking youth kids off of their own team just to stack it for the Summit. Shady morals there, and I think I'd be leaving.
^^^I don't know how fair that is if they're pulling higher level kids in.

However, that threat in itself happens everywhere (the general "you'll get moved if you _____" not the "we're replacing you with a higher leveled athlete." thing.)

I have never told a kid they're terrible.

I've also never replaced a S2 kid with say, an S4.

However, I WILL move said S2 kiddo to a different spot and place another same-leveled athlete in her spot.

For context, if I EVER move anyone, they've been warned. Several times. I'd never surprise move a kid.

If I moved your jump, you've likely been given the same corrections for 2 weeks and they have gone in one ear and out another.

Calling them terrible may be an understatement...It has been much worse. I'm sure moving a kid happens all the time at gyms but this is also simply stacking the team. I'm also wondering if all successful teams do that...level 4 kids on level 2, like your example.
Calling them terrible may be an understatement...It has been much worse. I'm sure moving a kid happens all the time at gyms but this is also simply stacking the team. I'm also wondering if all successful teams do that...level 4 kids on level 2, like your example.
I think you are answering your own questions about moving on.
Calling them terrible may be an understatement...It has been much worse. I'm sure moving a kid happens all the time at gyms but this is also simply stacking the team. I'm also wondering if all successful teams do that...level 4 kids on level 2, like your example.
No, all successful teams do not do that. I'd say Cheer Athletics is one of, if not the most, successful gyms in the world and they'd never play those games. If I were you, I'd be checking out some other area gyms for next year that may be a better fit for your family and your morals. Cheer gyms can be a great place for your CP to learn those important life lessons and it doesn't sound like this gym will be enforcing the right things.
Yes, Maddie's Mom the grass can be greener depending on why you are looking to move... For my daughter, I moved her from a medium size gym to a larger gym because of opportunities,,, my daughter was actually quite happy at the 1st gym socially, but opportunities to take privates and being taught skills were limited and she began to digressed and lose tumbling and techniques in perfected skills already obtained had became very sloppy... Now, at her new gym, she is taking privates 2x a week and plenty of choices for open gym classes, if needed... So, even though my daughter was happy with the 1st gym, I knew that my daughter had greater potential in the sport and needed more than friendship, which btw, she made friends at her new gym... So, Maddie's Mom, if you believe that your daughter outgrew her gym, explore moving for opportunities...Stop worrying about how a business will perceived your looking around, especially after this gym is not considering your feelings when it comes to placing higher level athletes on lower level teams.... Just saying!

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@Maddie's Mom If you are unhappy, and more importantly, if your child is unhappy, then I would suggest doing research on other gyms in your area. Maybe go for a visit, request information or do a tumble class/open gym. The only thing I would suggest, is to not talk about it in the gym. Feelings tend to get hurt, even if that's not the intention. If you and your daughter decide to leave after the season is over, there's nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of quality gyms in our state. There are plenty that I'm sure you can go to and get every experience you are wishing for. I would be more than happy to privately make recommendations, if you would like. I even promise not to be completely biased towards my gym ;)
I think if you're not totally happy at a gym it's time to look for another. Especially at her age when she has so many years to improve and get better. She won't feel motivated to do so when other higher level kids are being put on a team she worked so hard to be on. The ONLY time we pull higher level athletes (one level higher) is if we can't fill the spot with a same level athlete. And this is usually only to fill in for injuries. Not to stack teams. Our program doesn't have that many crossovers throughout our 3 gyms.

There will always be something you don't like at a gym no matter where you go. But usually it's minor stuff that doesn't effect your kids and will benefit them and you in the long run.

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I think you have sort of answered your own question here. I would be looking if I were you. I want to ditto the suggestion to not speak of it at all at the gym. Feelings do get hurt even if that isnt your intention. Do some research and make sure you know for sure you are leaving before you breathe a word of it. I learned the hard way that you cant trust anyone either. Sometimes people you feel to be your friends will turn on you and spread the fact you are gym shopping in a heartbeat if it will benefit them.

As for the "perfect gym", I dont know. I really feel every gym has its own set of issues and you wont know what they are until you are actually there. I feel its like that saying "the devil you know vs. the one you dont". You have to decide if the issues at your gym are big enough to leave over because the issues at the next gym may be better or worse but you wont know until you experience it.
For me, the grass wasn't necessarily greener, but it was for my CP when we moved from a large gym (13 squads) to a small gym (2 squads). I lived for the structure that the larger gym provided. I loved the rules and the fact that they actually followed through on them.

My CP (nine) seems so much happier at the smaller gym. She loves competition, but she doesn't have the mental toughness to go to a gym that thrives on winning. She is perfectly happy going to a gym that will probably never win a competition. Heck...we are happy and proud when they don't come in last place! She is just happy to go to practice and have a good time with minimal pressure. Her attitude is that she is already a "national champion." She is satisfied that she has already claimed that "status." Now she just wants to cheer for fun.

The good thing is that there are plenty of gyms out there to fit your needs. Definitely make the move if your CP is not happy with where she is at.
For us the grass was/is greener on the other side. Is it perfect? not my any means but its working for us! There is no perfect gym.

Small Old Gym-was there for 8 years could never see us leaving until the beginning of our last season. I knew by Sept of our last season that, that was going to be our last season. CP was so frustrated of being passed along for other teams. She had level 3 running tumbling consistently, was in privates to work on her standing Tuck. Had been on level 2 team for many seasons and when coaches started to put kids on Level 3 & Level 5 teams who didn't have BHS and they weren't flyers and she remained on L2. I get they wanted her to base (she is a good solid base can base up to level 4 stunts) she was 12 at the time. We stayed longer than we should due to friendships and like the small gym feel. Then I saw things I felt were inappropriate and didn't agree with that sealed the deal for me to leave at the end of the season! We told NO ONE!!

Mega/Large Gym- CP and I talked about it and she was ready to leave and try different gym. We had talked about CP taking a year off to have a break and just take tumble classes. She swam all summer by summer's end she wanted back into cheer. we went to new gym in August and have been happy ever since. Coaches are great! Coaching style is very different than old gym. We don't feel like the lil fish in the big pond at all. 1st season was was like being anywhere new after being in your comfort zone for so long. CP the first few months had 2nd thoughts, she was feeling guilty for leaving her favorite Coach at old gym as he was very disappointed to see us leave but understood. We saw them at a comp last season and he came up to her and hugged her and told her he was proud to see how far her tumbling had come, which made her feel so much better. The owner, parents and some of the kids wouldn't even speak to her or me. That's their issue not ours!

CP tumbling has progressed very well. She has been working on her Layout since Oct. and hopes to make a level 4 team next season.
@Maddie's Mom If you are unhappy, and more importantly, if your child is unhappy, then I would suggest doing research on other gyms in your area. Maybe go for a visit, request information or do a tumble class/open gym. The only thing I would suggest, is to not talk about it in the gym. Feelings tend to get hurt, even if that's not the intention. If you and your daughter decide to leave after the season is over, there's nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of quality gyms in our state. There are plenty that I'm sure you can go to and get every experience you are wishing for. I would be more than happy to privately make recommendations, if you would like. I even promise not to be completely biased towards my gym ;)

Thanks so much for your advice. I have been told that going to other gyms to tumble is not ok and so that is another hurdle to overcome. I feel as though I would have to try to hide going to see a gym or do it without my daughter. Maybe I need to hold off until the last three competitions are over.
I agree with pretty much all the advice given. I am going to bring up one thing though you may want to consider...being at a smaller gym, your CP may have been on her team carrying the bare minimum skills to make that team. I'm only making that assumption because you said the lesser skilled kids were removed from the team and the kids that were in the front were moved to the back so the higher skilled kids could take their spots. Just keep in mind that at a larger gym, it is very possible your CP may not make the level of team she wants or thinks she should be on. The larger the pool of athletes is, the harder it is to make a team. So as long as you go into a move knowing that different gyms put teams together very very differently, I think you are on the right track.

I am completely against removing a kid from the team (unless there is a mental block involved) so I would be making a move if it were me. But make sure you are aware of what requirements each gym has for each level team. ;-)

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Thanks so much for your advice. I have been told that going to other gyms to tumble is not ok and so that is another hurdle to overcome. I feel as though I would have to try to hide going to see a gym or do it without my daughter. Maybe I need to hold off until the last three competitions are over.
Cp did a tumble class at her current gym from January through end of season while she was at previous gym, but that was easy to explain (not that I ever felt I needed to) because her then gym did not offer a tumble class. If you can find one that better suits your schedule then I suggest you give it a whirl. I did find though I gained far more information from observing the gym we were thinking of switching to while they were practicing as opposed to only their tumble classes. Completely different vibe.
There is no such thing as a perfect gym. You are never going to like everyone and everything they do. Stacking of teams, well that is a whole other thread…… Most gyms do it……The moral and ethical teams are in the minority. They exist but they may not exist in a 60 mile radius of where you live. You can leave it up to your CP but in the end you are the one who has to write the check and drive to and from practice and competitions. If you do switch, speak to the owner and try not to burn a bridge because you never know….gyms merge and you may decide to go back.
This can go either way depending on your reasons and whether you've fully investigated your options. In our case, we have the good fortune of being at my daughter's "dream gym." From her very first comp that she saw Storm at, she said that she would cheer there someday. I thought she was nuts because there was no way I was crossing that bridge into Jersey. Well I kept tabs on Storm and watched the coaches, parents and athletes at competition. When it became apparent that my daughter needed something different (not placement-related), we did opens and tumble clinics at other gyms and she wore me down to take her to Storm. This is her "forever gym" and we're happy here, but I always tell people that what works for us may not work for you and take the time and effort to look at things like culture and attitudes, how athletes are trained and treated and spend time talking to people in the gyms. Parents are quick to tell you the good, bad and ugly.

I wish you much luck in finding you and your CP's happy place...wherever that may be.

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