When I first started coming on the boards I felt like a failure. I couldn't ride horses which is what I switched to from cheerleading 6 years ago so cheer was my everything again. I would look at all these level 5 girls and boys prancing around here talking about their new specialty passes and I have a mental block on my bhs. I kept thinking about how much I sucked and would beat myself up about everything. It was really depressing seeing that I really wanted to compete at Worlds, NCA, and Cheersport but seeing as I have 2 years left (if you include this year) and I'm behind in everything, the chances that I just join a team and they happen to win is slim to none. Eventually, after some time not flying, I realized I couldn't hit because I was too worried about all of this stress I put on myself. Of course it's still my dream, but I changed that stress and sadness to motivation. I'm working harder than ever and stretching every night. I went from just having my lib to doing all this stuff up to a stretch (high school team so you need mats to pull anything requiring back flexibility). Taking classes and going to all of the open gym opportunity I can find. Your passion is what gets you better, faster.