Even on the "royalty free" music there appears to be stipulations of usage. In the fine print it states it is for personal use only, no duplicating, no altering, etc. For royalty free music it listed "Performing Rights", I copied what it stated below. Is there anyone in the industry that can clue us in on how this works? Do the music mixers pay the Mechanical royalty and the event planner the Performing Rights royalty? I found on Performing rights something that states the performer gets 9.1 cent per minute a song is played so, does that mean every comp, every song in the mix and every hit on YouTube the event planner or person that posted would technically have to pay out the Performing Rights fee?
All Prolific Arts music content is registered with a Performing Rights Association. This Music License Agreement does not include clearance for Performing Rights. Performing Rights represent the entitlement of music composers and publishers to benefit from the public performance of their compositions. Performing Rights societies like ASCAP and BMI in the United States, as well as many more around the world, have been established to collect and fairly distribute Performing Rights fees to music composers and publishers. If you use any musical compositions contained within any of the Prolific Arts websites, package products, electronic storage or the like, for broadcast productions that are eligible for documentation by Performing Rights associations, said music use should be reported to the applicable Performing Rights Society and to Prolific Arts, Inc. You agree to promptly furnish Prolific Arts with a complete and accurate music cue sheet for any production that is broadcast on television, radio, cable, satellite or distributed theatrically. Such cue sheet shall correctly identify the copyright owner, publisher, song title, and length of use for all Music licensed from Prolific Arts, Inc. Performing Rights clearance royalties are paid by broadcasters and are not the responsibility of producers, editors or typical users of Production Music. In the rare occasion where a broadcaster requires music content to be ʻpre-clearedʼ for performance, a Direct Performance license may be obtained by contacting the Prolific Arts offices. Blank Cue Sheets forms are available on all Prolific Arts websites.