This is a heart wrenching must read article. If it was not for recreation programs, community programs, and coaches letting me and many others participate for little to no cost, I would not be where I am and who I am today. To be abundantly clear I was never a young phenom, superstar, wunderkind or anything remotely close to that that a coach or program could use me in a marketing campaign to get other kids to come to their gym. I would of never been a model, spokesperson type of kid. I was good but never great as an athlete. Often left alone to work things out on my own they surprising others when I made progress. Only then did I get help when I showed I was determined to not give up.
Even though they left cheerleading out of this article make no mistake that the same exact thing is happening there. The industry is knowingly pricing families out of the sport and are even now working to punish those who do not for lack of better terms "see it their way and comply."
This is why I am glad to give time back whenever I can often losing money and family time on the process because I know how much it means to that kid that does not have the resources to participate in teams like this. This is why I am glad to work for a gym that gives back in so many ways not to have our name called out or recognized, but because we love kids and it is the right thing to do.
If you have the resources and choose this path that well and good. My concern will always be for those that do not. Who teaches them? Who motivates them? Who makes them not only better people but better athletes? Who gives them a chance?
I do. I will. I always will. I pray that we don't ever forget that no matter our lot in life, someone is always looking up to us and wishing they had what we have. Don't trample on that. Ever.
Kids' Sports Leagues Have Turned Into a $15 Billion Industry |