I was the coach that made the mistake on the rule. We did not intentionally cheat we submitted the proper usasf roster with the substitute listed and unfortunately for my kids I only read the rule on international age from the worlds packet and did not read the clarification on the usasf age grid.
The reporting team did nothing wrong and we were properly DQ'D for my mistake. PCM is a firm believer in the rules and level play I am so sorry to my athletes for this mistake it is mine and mine alone but in no way shape or form was it to gain a competitive advantage by cheating we were simply substituting for an injury.
NJ Coach you are correct that the reporting team has no blame the mistake was mine, however it shows the holes in the system...if the usasf has an official roster that has an obvious error why did they not flag it?? If the EP has the official roster with the birth certificate why did they not check it??? We still have a long way to go to catch and stop cheating and to use the system when honest mistakes are made.
Again I am so very sorry to all of my athletes...anyone who knows me knows that I love and die for these amazing athletes.
I hope this is the end of the conversation about this event, but the start of a broader conversation on the flaws on the current system.