Same kind of thing happened to us by the same EP in two consecutive competitions. In the first we were sandbagged and clearly won, they even said they "didn't disagree" but had to stand by their judges so our kids stayed in second to the astonishment of the arena...
....and in the next competition where we did win and the second place team challenged they suddenly overturned the placements at the last awards ceremony of the day four hours after that team had gotten their medal and banner. They didn't even tell our coaches they were going to overturn it...they found out the same time the arena found out when the announcer said "after further review" they were going to award "co-champions" from an awards ceremony four hours earlier.
My cp's were not on the first team that got sandbagged....they WERE on the second team that had their win taken away.....which was what actually ended up happening. They didn't make anyone "co-champions" they flat moved our kids to second, four hours later, after most of the team was back on the road home.
We always stay to the end so we were there to hear them take it Try explaining THAT to your kids.
My entire world for a scoring system like
kingston outlined. And a universal score sheet!