Sorry to hear this happened to this young person, but I hate to tell you, this situation sound so out of the normal. I worked many, many years at both Public and Private colleges and the way these schools accept students were based on-
1st- how many students graduated, attrition rates of students already in the school and how many students they can accommodate,
2nd- Each Dept. basically, accept/admit students on the same factors mentioned above and how many students they have room for within their Dept. or what students list as what they hope to major in, if admitted into the college and
3rd, they look at the number of staff members returning to accommodate these students...
Last, The students who are on the bubble based on certain factors will be wait listed.
Normally, once a student is admitted into a college this is a contract and if the student submit the enrollment fee and accept this contract of admission, the college is obligated to inform the student with enough time (30 days or less) if there is a change in their admission status... This last step rarely ever happens on the college side but most of the time it is the student who changed their mind...
I know what do happen when the college change the status of admission, most of the time is when the college is not able to provide On-campus housing and that is when there is a problem for Out-of-State students...
Side-note: Does Baylor offer on-line courses, I know most schools offer this and I am quite surprise that Baylor just rescinded the admission after admitting this young person... Most of the time, the school will offer assistance to mediate the problem...
Serious note: I hate to think that your friend is leaving something out, but because colleges are losing students to online colleges, I highly doubt they will want to turn away paying customers and hurt their good reputation in the process. Just saying