All-Star Kids Asked To Cheer?

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Oct 12, 2011
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I was wondering how many parents out there were asked by thier CP to cheer Vs parents that cheered (cheer) themselves so wanted thier kids to try cheer?
I ask because I personally was not in cheer, in fact I was a band dork. One day I asked my 5 year old if she wanted to try Soccer and her response was "No, i'll try cheerleading". Now don't flip out but what i wanted to say to her was "where did you hear that horrible word" (yes, boo!! hiss!! I was buying into the stereotype), instead I said I would look into it. So this is me, completly clueless, googling our local sideline cheer team and realizing she was too young for it. A few additional searches resulted in the discovery of the world of allstar and we haven't looked back. If my child had never brought it up, I never would have known anything about allstar.
My sisters cheered in jr. hihg and because I was so much younger than they were I was the school "mascot." My mom made me a matching uniform and got me a pair of saddle shoes and viola! I became hooked for life on cheer. I think my mom was on the drill team or something, but I know she wasn't a cheerleader. So I'm not sure which category that falls sisters just asked my mom about cheerleading and it trickled down from there. :)
I asked my kid. Simply put, my kids are little and are not even on growth charts. They would be manhandled on soccer fields by the other kids, and quite frankly I don't like to sweat, so I wasn't really interested in sitting on the side of some dusty field in July being eaten by fire ants ;)
I asked my mom to cheer. My older sister was a majorette so till I was six I was kinda pushed into that until I decided I wanted to cheer and refused to pick up a baton again until I got to lol she asked me if I wanted to do Rec or learn how to tumble (essentially all star) and I picked tumble and I was one smart little girl cause I am so glad I picked all star.
My CP asked to cheer when she was 7 years old. I had no idea what Allstar cheer was... What an education!! It has been 10 years now and we are heading to our 6th World Championships and I thank the lord everyday that she asked to join this amazing sport. :cheering:
I cheered my whole life but didn't want to push my kids into it.
When Amber was 8 her friend cheered and she learned a few things from him. She started into cheer prep. Then her brother thought it was fun so he started too. They both ended up cheering all star and even my disabled daughter cheered for a couple of years!!
I was glad to see the cheer bug pass onto another generation!!! :)
I was a cheerleader in high school but I have to be honest, when my oldest CP, who was 10 at the time, asked to tryout for the all-star cheer program at the gym she was taking tumbling at... my first response was "no way"! We live in Texas and the cheerleading stereotype hasn't historically been that postive. Needless to say she talked me into it.. a year later.. and it has been a true blessing. She is going on her 5th all-star season and made captain of the freshman squad and is trying out for captain of the JV squad today. My youngest CP is going on her second year and is on the Junior level 4 this year. Every chance I get I recommend other parents to let their kids try all-star cheer :cheering:
my cp definitely asked me. it was not something i would have ever suggested. But she's really happy, so I'm glad we went for it.
I did Rec cheering growing up and I sucked at all things tumbling. I spent a few years to get a BHS and I was like 9 or 10. My brother thought it looked cool so he tried and in a few practices he ga a tuck so I realized I sucked and quit.

I actually cheered football season and then in the spring I played softball. I loved ball and I was great at it. I was a catcher for many many years. Cheer just wasn't my thing.

When my daughter was turning 5 I enrolled her in Tee ball (it was the only one in town that did tell be competitively:))
It actually baffled me that kids could strike out even when hitting off the tee. The team was split half boys half girls. 3 of the boys were great, all the girls but my daughter and one other one kind of sucked. My daughter hit the ball every single time and the only one in the whole season who did not strike out one time. However, she only got past 1st base like twice. These boys wouldn't even catch the ball when it was thrown to them but they could miss the ball and run and get it and still beat my daughter to the base!! Everyone on the team called her princess because she ran so slow and she ran on her toes... So at that point in time I figured she might like something girly. So I asked her if she wanted to do gymnastics she said yea but then I remembered I did gymnastics when I was very little and I hated everything but the floor. So I asked her did she want to learn how to do flips and she said yes. So while looking at classes online to find out the times of tumbling I seen something about cheer. The teams had already started but I called and they said she could still be placed on a team and I could bring her in for a free trial class. So I did and when she left she said cheer was so much better then ball and she never wanted to play it again because it's dumb.

We haven't looked back since and I really have learned so much about cheer since then so I'm happy with her decision.

I also want to add it took my daughter about a year but with all the tumbling she does they taught her how to really run with power. She is only in first grade but she comes home every day and still says she is the fastest in her class and she can out run even the boys and she thinks that is so cool!
I always threw myself around doing flips...hence the reason my tumbling was so janky when I started cheer. Lol
I watched Bring it On when I was 16, and all of my good friends were cheerleaders. I watched them practice over summer one day, watched them tumbling and stunting, and kind of fell in love. I went home and said "mom, I need to tell you three things: I'm gay, I'm quitting football, and I'm joining the cheer team, okay?" Needless to say I tried out the next day. Haha. Granted, I started cheer in a very unconventional way, but my parents are my biggest supporters :)
I did rec gymnastics / diving as a child so I had been flipping for a while before I started cheer :) but I never competed. In middle school we had a high school elective choice assembly where different groups would perform, and the cheer team always looked so awesome so that's how I got into high school cheer! After a couple of years I realized it just wasn't competitive enough for me and I was one of three girls in a 100 girl program (fresh, hc, varsity, flags, song) who could really tumble so I started all star after hearing from a few girls at my school who were involved :D
My CP approached me about it after attending a cheer summer camp program. She had cheered with our church bit she wanted to do all star. I did rec cheer as a kid, so I was thrilled she wanted to be a cheerleader and thought it would be great exercise for her. Now if she decides she does not want to do this anymore, I will be heartbroken, but I will not force it on her if she does not love it as much as I do.
Even though my CP comes from a long line of cheerleaders (My mom, myself, my nieces all cheered) I don't know why I was shocked when she asked me why she needed to do the uneven bars when all she wanted to do was cheer, she was 6. I had no clue where to start or anything about all star cheer. One day I found a flyer for a local all star gym and as they say the rest is history. She's been cheering since she was 9 and loves it.
I never cheered, went to the clinic for HS tryouts, got sick the day of tryouts, got involved in other activities and never thought about it again.

Niece has loved cheer since she she was a toddler and her babysitter was a high school cheerleader. Her dad refused, and enrolled her in gymnastics when she was little, among other sports. They dropped gymnastics early, but every now and then she would go to a small all star gym for tumbling class for fun over winter. CP decided one day that this sounds like great fun and wanted to go too. Loved tumbling, after a couple months she asked to cheer that fall. We had issues with the behavior we saw the girls on the teams at that particular all-star gym displaying, so we found a rec program to see if she was serious (this would be the first commitment she ended up deciding she wanted to stick with). We had suggested just about every other sport/activity to her except and she had turned them all down. Just never thought about cheer.
CP was a level 4 gymnast when she said she wanted to compete as a team, not an individual. I was sad to see her leave gymnastics as she was so good, but I've never looked back! LOVE CHEER.