My mom definitely never cheered. She always said she hated cheerleaders and was that person who made fun of them in high school. Well lucky for her I came along to change her mind! I did soccer and dance as a wee little one, and dance was fine, but soccer... well I was cartwheeling and twirling around in the grass. We got flyers for pop warner in kindergarten and she signed me up! Thankfully she wasn't too set in her hatin' ways! I quit dance when I was 5, started pop warner at 7, and tumbling at the local all-star gym at 10. I started full team at age 11, and continued till I was 18. Mom and dad grew to love and respect the sport as I did. Mom and I made our first trip to worlds last year to watch, which was great! Besides cheer though, I did basketball, softball, and volleyball through our town's rec leagues. I did field hockey and track in high school, and field hockey in college, so cheer wasn't my 'only' sport, but it was/is my passion and the sport I cared about the most.