All-Star Kids Asked To Cheer?

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My husband and I both cheered when we were younger. I did side line and my husband did High school and college. His sister started all star and my husband was asked to come watch their parent team...well he came home with a job offer!!! lol. He started coaching and when my daughters ball season was over she started cheering as well. She was 5 yr old, now she is 9 and still cheering. my younger daughter is cheering too. AND my son just turned 3 and he will be trying Tinys in June :) you can say we are a cheer family!!! husband still coaches and we both perform with the parent team. going to Worlds this year with a team from the gym, so excited!
I cheered school cheer way back when, but CP saw a postcard that a gym mailed to us and begged to try it.
I started out doing dance until I was about 5. That was the only sport/activity I had ever done. I remember all my friends when I was that age being able to do a cartwheel, and I told my mom that I NEEDED to learn how to do a cartwheel. My mom took me to an all star gym a week later, and I never looked back. Needless to say, I can now tumble better than every one of my non-cheerleader friends :).
My former cheerleader asked to do pop-warner and her younger brother (current cheerleader) liked mimicking her team when he would stay and watch practice so we just signed him up the following season. never looked back after that. My wife cheered in jr high but did not push cheer on our kids.
My daughter was in gymnsatics for a year and then we moved so once we got settled I was about to reenroll her into gymnastics again but out of the blue at 4 years old she decided she wanted to chear. I had no clue about it. I was thinking more on the lines of pop warner but nope it was totally different. Didnt hink she would really enjoy it but I was wrong. She is going on her third season. :)
I was a cheerleader for rec and then in High School but I never mentioned cheerleading to any of my kids they always came to me and told me what they were interested in trying. My oldest dd did soccer and dance. My 9yo is my cheerleader. She came to me at 5 after watching a cheer movie and said she wanted to cheer. The local competitive rec was 7 and up so we put her in sideline cheer. She did not like sideline at all because in her words "they are watching the boys they aren't even watching me". This girl loves to be the center of attention. At this point she was 6 and still too young so I found an all-star gym and she fell in love. I couldn't think of a better sport to fit her personality. My 6yo tried cheer because big sister was doing it but didn't like it she does t-ball and gymnastics although gymnastics is quickly becoming her true love. I have a 3yo daughter also and don't know yet what she'll get into. We've done some mommy and me classes at the gymnastics gym but she seems to be more interested in playing cheer with the 9yo. I know a few families where all the kids do cheer and you can tell that while a few of the kids love it some of the kids are doing it because it's the family sport and the passion isn't really there. I don't necessarily think the parents are forcing them to do it but I think the kids feel like they have to because that's what the parents love and they want to make the parents happy. I want my kids to do what they love no matter what.
There are NO cheerleaders anywhere in either side of our families so having given birth to two of them, I still wonder....I played everything known to man but specialized in volleyball primarily in high school. My husband was a football player.

I'm a HS principal. When I was an asst principal my 3yr old daughter hung out with the varsity team on the track when I was working the game until dad took her home about halftime. She loved them tossing her around and being the "mascot" we put her in a dance program rec cheer thing for the YMCA and she really enjoyed that too. The coach there is the one that told us about Allstar and said she thought she had some innate talent and their rec program wasn't good enough for her.

So we found an Allstar gym around the corner and she started at age 6 ( barely ) on a mini 1. She outgrew what that gym was capable of doing for her In three years and we moved to the program were with now where she went from a round off 2 janktastic handsprings to standing tucks, layouts and was working punch fronts through today.

When that gym opened, our son saw the one and only guy who'd signed up at an exhibition at the local minor league baseball team and thought...hmmm.....girls. The gym we came from didnt allow male cheerleaders so he, nor i, had ever thought about it. He joined the next day with negative tumbling. He's now caught his sister in less than three years and it's the only sport (trust me he's played them ALL) that he's ever stuck with more than one season and he loves it.

All I can say is thank heavens they're both in the same sport and the same program....I don't have to divide my time or energy between different things and 100% of our effort can go into this...and god willing in one month, since he's caught her in skills, I'll even have them on the same team!
My daughter started asking about cheer when she was about 7, to which I responded with a "no way". Honestly, seemed stupid to me! She did gymnastics and competitive dance until I finally gave in at age 9 and let her join an allstar team. I was hoping she'd do it for a year and get it out of her system. She's loved it ever since and (to my dismay) had to quit dance because it just doesn't work with her cheer/tumbling schedule. I still love competitive dance (and so does she) but she loves cheer more, so here we are, ready for another season!
I started my daughter with sideline when my son was playing football - it gave her something to do while he was practicing and at games. Her sideline team did an exhibition at a local college basketball game where there coach taught them a little routine and they performed it at half time. Afterwards the coach pulled me aside and asked me if I had ever considered all star cheering- cp caught on to the routines really quickly, and she thought it would be a better fit for her. I didn't really think much about it until we went to see Bring it on in the theater, and cp said "mom I don't want to do the other cheering any more... I want to do THAT."
Here we are 10 ish years later! I cheered in high school but I have to admit that she was better at 7 than I was at 16!
LittleRazzi didn't ask. She came home from a friend's comp and said "Mommy, I want to do THAT." MiniRazzi asked and asked and asked and asked and begged and asked and begged some more until I finally agreed.
I had always loved cheerleading, and I would go to camps and clinics as a young kid. When I got older, I would make up routines with the kids in my neighborhood. I come from a town with many cheerleaders and an amazing Varsity team, so growing up I knew many girls that did Pop Warner. I decided to give it a try and I loved cheer but hated my team so I gave all stars a try! If I never would've asked my mom to put me in pop Warner, I would never be a cheerleader.
My CP was supposed to start a dance program that we were referred to. However, the day we showed up, the classes had just ended for the season. We noticed that the same organization was starting to sign girls up to cheer and that's been it, that's been all! My CP has done numerous activities, karate, tennis, dance, even thought about swimming and I would ask her at the end of each year what she would like to do and it's always been she wants to cheer! She did 4 yrs of rec (5-9) and has been all star for the past 7 yrs.
I was never a cheerleader, but had done a little gymnastics. We had taken some Mommy and me classes at the Y, but then signed up for one at an all star gym a little closer. I think we took like 1 class when she was three. Then they had a little cheer class for the young ones and so she did that. Next thing I knew they were putting together a little demo tiny team, I think she had just turned 4 when that started. I used to sit at the gym and watch the crazy cheer moms getting all excited talking about their next competition, make up and uniforms, and I thought WE are NEVER doing THAT (our little tiny team didn't do competitions). But, seeing those teams practice and seeing all they could do was pretty cool. The next season both my girls tried out and made the Mini team. My older cp did it for 3 years then realized it was not for her and switched to swimming. Younger cp has been doing it ever since (gonna be 12 this year). I never knew about "all star" cheerleading before going to that gym for that mommy and me class, but boy did I get sucked in! I guess my cp didn't really ask to do it because when you are 3 what do you really know, but we would ask her if she wanted to keep doing it once she started, and here we are, still going strong.
My mom definitely never cheered. She always said she hated cheerleaders and was that person who made fun of them in high school. Well lucky for her I came along to change her mind! I did soccer and dance as a wee little one, and dance was fine, but soccer... well I was cartwheeling and twirling around in the grass. We got flyers for pop warner in kindergarten and she signed me up! Thankfully she wasn't too set in her hatin' ways! I quit dance when I was 5, started pop warner at 7, and tumbling at the local all-star gym at 10. I started full team at age 11, and continued till I was 18. Mom and dad grew to love and respect the sport as I did. Mom and I made our first trip to worlds last year to watch, which was great! Besides cheer though, I did basketball, softball, and volleyball through our town's rec leagues. I did field hockey and track in high school, and field hockey in college, so cheer wasn't my 'only' sport, but it was/is my passion and the sport I cared about the most.