This. Warning this may sound snarky but this is a pet peeve of mine.
Maybe it's just me, but I see a whole sub group of kids that seem to believe if you're taped up, braced up or otherwise that apparently makes you a more fierce athlete. Huh? I don't get this whole mentality.
I'm not talking about the kid with a legit injury that wears their brace etc for the necessary time while going to rehab and then you never see it again, I'm talking about the ones that tape or brace things for every single practice...for years. You know who these people are. Or the parents that bring a bag of braces and every little tweak requires a new support...for at least half the season..., per Dr. Mom.
Number one, if you walk out on the floor with two wrists taped, an ankle brace and KT tape on your knee, I don't say "wow! That kid must be amazing!" I wait for (what I'm assuming) will be a train wreck in running tumbling, and number two.., if you're doing it to get attention.,
You're getting the wrong kind.
Wouldn't you rather get attention for being a great athlete than the one that always appears "injured?" Who wants to look like the weak link season after season?
And three? If you are hurting that much all the time, you should call a physician, get an athletic trainer or find a new program that knows how to teach correct technique. Because if it hurts all the time, you need to start back over at the beginning with the right technique before you end up with major issues.
I don't know about anyone else but ill admit I'm judgmental. I expect to see a brace here and there... That's normal. But when half a team comes out braced up and taped up.... That's when I start judging the quality of coaching in that gym. Fair or not, that reflects on the people teaching them and I'm not sending my kids to a place that looks like a recruiting center for orthopedic care.