Even though I'm a senior at my school, I've been helping coach the competitive squad for the past few weeks. This is the first year for the school to compete (and only the fourth year even having cheerleaders), and last season we were lucky to have three stunt groups hitting an extended lib. Tonight, all four of our stunt groups were working on express ups (and SO CLOSE to hitting!) and three of the four groups got a front flip dismount.
Our one flyer has an extreme lack of confidence in her ability to fly--but when she gets in the zone and feels it, she is gorgeous in the air. She was the second to get the flip, and to be honest, her's is the prettiest. I was so proud of her tonight I almost cried. She had more drive and determination than I've seen from her in the last year (when I was on the team with her) combined. She was hitting the express up (but having to press up), and even though she was scared sh*tless, she got up in the stunt, eyes welling up with tears because she was so scared, and did a BEAUTIFUL front flip out. I've been watching the video of her since I left school at 10:45 because I'm so impressed and proud of her right now.
I've also been on the phone with three people, make two facebook posts, and texted the team telling them how happy I am with the progress, drive, commitment and trust I've seen from them in the last two weeks.