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I was so totally gonna hurl when they cut the lights with the big countdown on the screen (cp16 was the first team out). It's probably the most nervous I've ever been for my kid. I have no idea how he handled that pressure being a first time level 5 and being THERE. Welcome to level 5, kid! But he was cool as a cucumber, hit a perfect routine.

And I still wanted to throw up.

Ugh, I'm not usually that nervous. Had some great Cali coed parents in front of us being really awesome and we retuned the favor when their kids came on :)

Thanks all! 12 Step -- too funny. I was thinking the bucket was because I wouldn't want to leave for a bathroom break. LOL. Although my wallet was not happy about Majors, I tell myself I am making memories with CP. Very excited to have fierce competition this year. Best of luck to yours.

Cheermomforever -- Don't know much yet, but will PM you with what I do know.

First videos are from Thursday, pic is from Friday, and the last video is from Saturday

A year ago I posted her full video and for the last year she has battled herself and she could not do one consistently and without a coach within one foot of her or being spotted on multiple fulls first. She has been scared to death. It didn't matter because she didn't need it but it was definitely a battle within herself. I never called it a mental block because she never had it consistently and her fear was only on this skill. So we just rolled with it!

Jaylen only does open gyms and her tumble class so only tumbles on Thursdays and Saturdays. 2 weeks ago it clicked.. She needed no one. She threw one by herself not even landing it and she laid on the floor bawling because she was so happy. She told me she was over her fear and she could tumble. I actually believed her and I could see it in her face. She walks in the very next week and she can do it. Without a spot even warming it up! It was probably the most joyous moment I witnessed from her. On Thursday she did them the whole open gym, just perfecting and getting better. She was at home Friday and I see her with a small piece of computer paper and glitter and I ask her what she is doing.
She said she wanted to write her goals down. I was like wow; where did this come from. The piece of paper was not holding all these goals with glitter very well. So I gave her a poster board

(Excuse her hair)
She put each one of her goals on there.

Anyways It's now Saturday and the day after she made a goals list. (I posted this pic on Facebook the day she did it)
She gets to the gym and one of the coaches said your going to get one of those today I seen the poster you made.
He tells her to do a BHS out of her full and it was almost instantaneous. She was able to do it and tuck out of it shortly after! She was so excited even though she got in the car and said I only put BHS one time on my goal out of my full not two BHS so I still don't get my goal :/ lol

She also told me that tumbling is so easy when your not scared. She said she doesn't know why she ever was scared but she will not be scared again.

I mean I know people don't choose to be scared it just kind of happens, I hope if she figured it how to deal with this fear she can figure out any fear that may arise coming forward. She never gave up. I'm so incredibly proud of her.

Also we are aware of the technical side of the skills in the video. Jaylen has never tumbled with her feet together (before we came here) so because of that her feet come apart in everything that she does including her full. The coach did tell her today that if she wants to have elite level tumbling she cannot tumble like that and he will not allow her. He said he will put a stop to any flipping tumbling because that does not look good and it's not safe. He actually had her do straight fulls where her feet were together. Not in this video it was after that and it already looked so much better. She can do it when told it appears to be something she has to work on making a habit though. When she did do them correctly he said does that feel better and she would say yes. I asked her in the car does it really feel better or were you saying yes because you knew that was the answer he wanted. She said it really does feel better and it's easier to do the tumbling, what's harder about it is I have to think before I go to make sure I do that so that's why it's hard because I don't have to think about the other way at all. So she said she will start doing it at practice on easy skills and see if she can get in the habit of it so it isn't so awkward on the higher skills. However, she knows if that coach catches her she is done until she fixes it 100 percent.

Eta: she requested that music because one of her favorite coaches who came from SOT (the one tumbling in the video and the one that's listed on the sign as jumps like Lalo's) maybe she won't leave me and move to Miami one day. Maybe she will just go to spirit lol

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Last edited:

First videos are from Thursday, pic is from Friday, and the last video is from Saturday

A year ago I posted her full video and for the last year she has battled herself and she could not do one consistently and without a coach within one foot of her or being spotted on multiple fulls first. She has been scared to death. It didn't matter because she didn't need it but it was definitely a battle within herself. I never called it a mental block because she never had it consistently and her fear was only on this skill. So we just rolled with it!

Jaylen only does open gyms and her tumble class so only tumbles on Thursdays and Saturdays. 2 weeks ago it clicked.. She needed no one. She threw one by herself not even landing it and she laid on the floor bawling because she was so happy. She told me she was over her fear and she could tumble. I actually believed her and I could see it in her face. She walks in the very next week and she can do it. Without a spot even warming it up! It was probably the most joyous moment I witnessed from her. On Thursday she did them the whole open gym, just perfecting and getting better. She was at home Friday and I see her with a small piece of computer paper and glitter and I ask her what she is doing.
She said she wanted to write her goals down. I was like wow; where did this come from. The piece of paper was not holding all these goals with glitter very well. So I gave her a poster board

(Excuse her hair)
She put each one of her goals on there.

Anyways It's now Saturday and the day after she made a goals list. (I posted this pic on Facebook the day she did it)
She gets to the gym and one of the coaches said your going to get one of those today I seen the poster you made.
He tells her to do a BHS out of her full and it was almost instantaneous. She was able to do it and tuck out of it shortly after! She was so excited even though she got in the car and said I only put BHS one time on my goal out of my full not two BHS so I still don't get my goal :/ lol

She also told me that tumbling is so easy when your not scared. She said she doesn't know why she ever was scared but she will not be scared again.

I mean I know people don't choose to be scared it just kind of happens, I hope if she figured it how to deal with this fear she can figure out any fear that may arise coming forward. She never gave up. I'm so incredibly proud of her.

Also we are aware of the technical side of the skills in the video. Jaylen has never tumbled with her feet together (before we came here) so because of that her feet come apart in everything that she does including her full. The coach did tell her today that if she wants to have elite level tumbling she cannot tumble like that and he will not allow her. He said he will put a stop to any flipping tumbling because that does not look good and it's not safe. He actually had her do straight fulls where her feet were together. Not in this video it was after that and it already looked so much better. She can do it when told it appears to be something she has to work on making a habit though. When she did do them correctly he said does that feel better and she would say yes. I asked her in the car does it really feel better or were you saying yes because you knew that was the answer he wanted. She said it really does feel better and it's easier to do the tumbling, what's harder about it is I have to think before I go to make sure I do that so that's why it's hard because I don't have to think about the other way at all. So she said she will start doing it at practice on easy skills and see if she can get in the habit of it so it isn't so awkward on the higher skills. However, she knows if that coach catches her she is done until she fixes it 100 percent.

Eta: she requested that music because one of her favorite coaches who came from SOT (the one tumbling in the video and the one that's listed on the sign as jumps like Lalo's) maybe she won't leave me and move to Miami one day. Maybe she will just go to spirit lol

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That is so awesome! My 5 year old CP watched it and said "wow that is what I want to do". Your daughter is so beautiful!

First videos are from Thursday, pic is from Friday, and the last video is from Saturday

A year ago I posted her full video and for the last year she has battled herself and she could not do one consistently and without a coach within one foot of her or being spotted on multiple fulls first. She has been scared to death. It didn't matter because she didn't need it but it was definitely a battle within herself. I never called it a mental block because she never had it consistently and her fear was only on this skill. So we just rolled with it!

Jaylen only does open gyms and her tumble class so only tumbles on Thursdays and Saturdays. 2 weeks ago it clicked.. She needed no one. She threw one by herself not even landing it and she laid on the floor bawling because she was so happy. She told me she was over her fear and she could tumble. I actually believed her and I could see it in her face. She walks in the very next week and she can do it. Without a spot even warming it up! It was probably the most joyous moment I witnessed from her. On Thursday she did them the whole open gym, just perfecting and getting better. She was at home Friday and I see her with a small piece of computer paper and glitter and I ask her what she is doing.
She said she wanted to write her goals down. I was like wow; where did this come from. The piece of paper was not holding all these goals with glitter very well. So I gave her a poster board

(Excuse her hair)
She put each one of her goals on there.

Anyways It's now Saturday and the day after she made a goals list. (I posted this pic on Facebook the day she did it)
She gets to the gym and one of the coaches said your going to get one of those today I seen the poster you made.
He tells her to do a BHS out of her full and it was almost instantaneous. She was able to do it and tuck out of it shortly after! She was so excited even though she got in the car and said I only put BHS one time on my goal out of my full not two BHS so I still don't get my goal :/ lol

She also told me that tumbling is so easy when your not scared. She said she doesn't know why she ever was scared but she will not be scared again.

I mean I know people don't choose to be scared it just kind of happens, I hope if she figured it how to deal with this fear she can figure out any fear that may arise coming forward. She never gave up. I'm so incredibly proud of her.

Also we are aware of the technical side of the skills in the video. Jaylen has never tumbled with her feet together (before we came here) so because of that her feet come apart in everything that she does including her full. The coach did tell her today that if she wants to have elite level tumbling she cannot tumble like that and he will not allow her. He said he will put a stop to any flipping tumbling because that does not look good and it's not safe. He actually had her do straight fulls where her feet were together. Not in this video it was after that and it already looked so much better. She can do it when told it appears to be something she has to work on making a habit though. When she did do them correctly he said does that feel better and she would say yes. I asked her in the car does it really feel better or were you saying yes because you knew that was the answer he wanted. She said it really does feel better and it's easier to do the tumbling, what's harder about it is I have to think before I go to make sure I do that so that's why it's hard because I don't have to think about the other way at all. So she said she will start doing it at practice on easy skills and see if she can get in the habit of it so it isn't so awkward on the higher skills. However, she knows if that coach catches her she is done until she fixes it 100 percent.

Eta: she requested that music because one of her favorite coaches who came from SOT (the one tumbling in the video and the one that's listed on the sign as jumps like Lalo's) maybe she won't leave me and move to Miami one day. Maybe she will just go to spirit lol

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Wow! Go jaylen! I just had a flashback of the videos you posted of her in the very beginning at your first gym. She has come such a long way, I feel like I've watched her grow up! lol I hope she keeps that motivation and ability to overcome fear in every aspect of her life, it will take her anywhere she wants to go!

I feel like I'm getting emotional? But she's your child, not mine lol :D
That is so awesome! My 5 year old CP watched it and said "wow that is what I want to do". Your daughter is so beautiful!
awe that is so cute thank you!
Wow! Go jaylen! I just had a flashback of the videos you posted of her in the very beginning at your first gym. She has come such a long way, I feel like I've watched her grow up! lol I hope she keeps that motivation and ability to overcome fear in every aspect of her life, it will take her anywhere she wants to go!

I feel like I'm getting emotional? But she's your child, not mine lol :D

Lol your post made me smile! I basically joined the boards when we were in our first season so I'm sure you see her just getting older and older lol it feels like so long ago sometimes and then it feels just like yesterday!!

I just went down memory lane about 3 years ago and watched this video I had made at the time

And ironically her feet in her BHS still look almost the exact same. I wish they never let her get away with it when she was that young. I'm sure I didn't help letting her tumble at home all the time but there are things if not learned properly in the beginning that will effect everything forever and if not forever it will be 10 times harder to fix!

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I can't brag about my J1 kiddos enough. They are so wonderful and have worked so hard. They ASKED if they could run their routine full out tonight (we were going to do it anyway but still). They were cheering and so excited to run their routine full out even though they've been doing that for three weeks now. I've never had a group of kids so eager to get to work.

First videos are from Thursday, pic is from Friday, and the last video is from Saturday

A year ago I posted her full video and for the last year she has battled herself and she could not do one consistently and without a coach within one foot of her or being spotted on multiple fulls first. She has been scared to death. It didn't matter because she didn't need it but it was definitely a battle within herself. I never called it a mental block because she never had it consistently and her fear was only on this skill. So we just rolled with it!

Jaylen only does open gyms and her tumble class so only tumbles on Thursdays and Saturdays. 2 weeks ago it clicked.. She needed no one. She threw one by herself not even landing it and she laid on the floor bawling because she was so happy. She told me she was over her fear and she could tumble. I actually believed her and I could see it in her face. She walks in the very next week and she can do it. Without a spot even warming it up! It was probably the most joyous moment I witnessed from her. On Thursday she did them the whole open gym, just perfecting and getting better. She was at home Friday and I see her with a small piece of computer paper and glitter and I ask her what she is doing.
She said she wanted to write her goals down. I was like wow; where did this come from. The piece of paper was not holding all these goals with glitter very well. So I gave her a poster board

(Excuse her hair)
She put each one of her goals on there.

Anyways It's now Saturday and the day after she made a goals list. (I posted this pic on Facebook the day she did it)
She gets to the gym and one of the coaches said your going to get one of those today I seen the poster you made.
He tells her to do a BHS out of her full and it was almost instantaneous. She was able to do it and tuck out of it shortly after! She was so excited even though she got in the car and said I only put BHS one time on my goal out of my full not two BHS so I still don't get my goal :/ lol

She also told me that tumbling is so easy when your not scared. She said she doesn't know why she ever was scared but she will not be scared again.

I mean I know people don't choose to be scared it just kind of happens, I hope if she figured it how to deal with this fear she can figure out any fear that may arise coming forward. She never gave up. I'm so incredibly proud of her.

Also we are aware of the technical side of the skills in the video. Jaylen has never tumbled with her feet together (before we came here) so because of that her feet come apart in everything that she does including her full. The coach did tell her today that if she wants to have elite level tumbling she cannot tumble like that and he will not allow her. He said he will put a stop to any flipping tumbling because that does not look good and it's not safe. He actually had her do straight fulls where her feet were together. Not in this video it was after that and it already looked so much better. She can do it when told it appears to be something she has to work on making a habit though. When she did do them correctly he said does that feel better and she would say yes. I asked her in the car does it really feel better or were you saying yes because you knew that was the answer he wanted. She said it really does feel better and it's easier to do the tumbling, what's harder about it is I have to think before I go to make sure I do that so that's why it's hard because I don't have to think about the other way at all. So she said she will start doing it at practice on easy skills and see if she can get in the habit of it so it isn't so awkward on the higher skills. However, she knows if that coach catches her she is done until she fixes it 100 percent.

Eta: she requested that music because one of her favorite coaches who came from SOT (the one tumbling in the video and the one that's listed on the sign as jumps like Lalo's) maybe she won't leave me and move to Miami one day. Maybe she will just go to spirit lol

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I posted this several weeks ago but I just wanted to give an update, people on my Facebook probably see my videos every Thursday and Saturday (her tumble days because that's when open gym is)

She is this independent tumbler now, she just wants to go try everything even if she falls on her face. I'm not sure where this is coming from. Her full still needs a lot of work because she gets crazy legs when trying new skills. Like her regular running fulls look a million times better than the last video I posted but now they are ugly when she try's new things for the first time! I am just proud of her for attempting them though.

she got her round off full (you will see the progression from a couple of open gyms in the video till the day she got it).
she started working on her punch front step but that appears to be the hardest thing at the moment she goes for the step out way to early a lot of the time so she has not got it just yet.
she has been working on her jumps which have always been terrible. they have improved a lot just recently so you can see that difference in this video
and then on Thursday they called last pass at open gym and because she couldn't really connect the punch front step out by herself during open gym- she said well I need a new skill. She proceeded to go stand on the floor facing the end like she was going to do a standing pass. The coach that coaches teams and not tumbling what so ever said what is she doing? I said I think she is doing a 3 to full. He said, I did not even know she had a layout standing. He asked has she ever done this I was like no, he was like oh she gets spotted on them- I said um no never been spotted on it either. I had to grip my phone with 2 hands becuase it was shaking so hard for me to record. No one else caught onto what she was doing because it was over and they were putting mats away lol. She went for it and did not land it (but she did not die lol but you will see it in the video) and she left so excited!

Yesterday she just went and got in line at open gym and threw her standing 3 to full one time and landed it!
She walks over and goes I need to do my 2 to full because that is what is on my goal poster and I want to mark something else off. She did it twice and landed both times. Then she goes well maybe I can do a 1 to full. Well she could not but she is determined to do it on Thursday!

She still has plenty of work on the full itself but I see way more improvement each time when they do correct her the very next one she trys to make that change. I don't really care about all the tumbling considering she just started doing her full by herself but my biggest brag/happy moment is the confidence. I do not know where this confidence came from but I am so happy it is there!
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I posted this several weeks ago but I just wanted to give an update, people on my Facebook probably see my videos every Thursday and Saturday (her tumble days because that's when open gym is)

She is this independent tumbler now, she just wants to go try everything even if she falls on her face. I'm not sure where this is coming from. Her full still needs a lot of work because she gets crazy legs when trying new skills. Like her regular running fulls look a million times better than the last video I posted but now they are ugly when she try's new things for the first time! I am just proud of her for attempting them though.

she got her round off tuck (you will see the progression from a couple of open gyms in the video till the day she got it).
she started working on her punch front step but that appears to be the hardest thing at the moment she goes for the step out way to early a lot of the time so she has not got it just yet.
she has been working on her jumps which have always been terrible. they have improved a lot just recently so you can see that difference in this video
and then on Thursday they called last pass at open gym and because she couldn't really connect the punch front step out by herself during open gym- she said well I need a new skill. She proceeded to go stand on the floor facing the end like she was going to do a standing pass. The coach that coaches teams and not tumbling what so ever said what is she doing? I said I think she is doing a 3 to full. He said, I did not even know she had a layout standing. He asked has she ever done this I was like no, he was like oh she gets spotted on them- I said um no never been spotted on it either. I had to grip my phone with 2 hands becuase it was shaking so hard for me to record. No one else caught onto what she was doing because it was over and they were putting mats away lol. She went for it and did not land it (but she did not die lol but you will see it in the video) and she left so excited!

Yesterday she just went and got in line at open gym and threw her standing 3 to full one time and landed it!
She walks over and goes I need to do my 2 to full because that is what is on my goal poster and I want to mark something else off. She did it twice and landed both times. Then she goes well maybe I can do a 1 to full. Well she could not but she is determined to do it on Thursday!

She still has plenty of work on the full itself but I see way more improvement each time when they do correct her the very next one she trys to make that change. I don't really care about all the tumbling considering she just started doing her full by herself but my biggest brag/happy moment is the confidence. I do not know where this confidence came from but I am so happy it is there!

wow, talk about working hard to get the skills! :jawdrop: she's amazing!
Do you mean roundoff full? But maaan go Jaylen!
Do you mean roundoff full? But maaan go Jaylen!
Yes I had a test last night.. Hahaha I must of been confused

Eta omg I did that in the video too not just the nonsense I typed.... How stupid of me I had a test last night and I answered like 7 question then I decided to make the video and type this so I was trying to hurry. Who does this in the middle of a timed test!? Lol

Which is probably why I got a 98 and not a 100... I was distracted.
Yes I had a test last night.. Hahaha I must of been confused

Eta omg I did that in the video too not just the nonsense I typed.... How stupid of me I had a test last night and I answered like 7 question then I decided to make the video and type this so I was trying to hurry. Who does this in the middle of a timed test!? Lol

Which is probably why I got a 98 and not a 100... I was distracted.
Priorities girl. Test first video second.

*If a coach/gym owner deletes their tweets are they only an idiot while the tweet is up?*
I posted this several weeks ago but I just wanted to give an update, people on my Facebook probably see my videos every Thursday and Saturday (her tumble days because that's when open gym is)

She is this independent tumbler now, she just wants to go try everything even if she falls on her face. I'm not sure where this is coming from. Her full still needs a lot of work because she gets crazy legs when trying new skills. Like her regular running fulls look a million times better than the last video I posted but now they are ugly when she try's new things for the first time! I am just proud of her for attempting them though.

she got her round off full (you will see the progression from a couple of open gyms in the video till the day she got it).
she started working on her punch front step but that appears to be the hardest thing at the moment she goes for the step out way to early a lot of the time so she has not got it just yet.
she has been working on her jumps which have always been terrible. they have improved a lot just recently so you can see that difference in this video
and then on Thursday they called last pass at open gym and because she couldn't really connect the punch front step out by herself during open gym- she said well I need a new skill. She proceeded to go stand on the floor facing the end like she was going to do a standing pass. The coach that coaches teams and not tumbling what so ever said what is she doing? I said I think she is doing a 3 to full. He said, I did not even know she had a layout standing. He asked has she ever done this I was like no, he was like oh she gets spotted on them- I said um no never been spotted on it either. I had to grip my phone with 2 hands becuase it was shaking so hard for me to record. No one else caught onto what she was doing because it was over and they were putting mats away lol. She went for it and did not land it (but she did not die lol but you will see it in the video) and she left so excited!

Yesterday she just went and got in line at open gym and threw her standing 3 to full one time and landed it!
She walks over and goes I need to do my 2 to full because that is what is on my goal poster and I want to mark something else off. She did it twice and landed both times. Then she goes well maybe I can do a 1 to full. Well she could not but she is determined to do it on Thursday!

She still has plenty of work on the full itself but I see way more improvement each time when they do correct her the very next one she trys to make that change. I don't really care about all the tumbling considering she just started doing her full by herself but my biggest brag/happy moment is the confidence. I do not know where this confidence came from but I am so happy it is there!

I never updated this but she got her standing BHS full like the open gym after this post I think.

She also got her punch front step-out .. She has always said it was really hard to step out of a punch front.. But the night she did it she decided to throw her full out of it! The full was super ugly lol.

She also got her whip punch tuck
And whip punch layout

She is working on her whip punch full and her Arabian right now as well as her standing full. She switches it up depending on what she wants to work on or what coach is there.

She also tends to ball her fulls up when doing specialty passes because she says it's easier ... They want her to lay them out not just when doing a running full by itself but all the time even in her sanding BHS full so that is probably what is proving to be hardest for her right now. I have never seen her so happy!


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