I have a laundry list for you lol.... I'll be 28 next week, and here's what still lingers from my cheer days:
1. Broken nose my freshman year of college- still gets a little sore on the one side whenever allergy season rolls around from all of the nose blowing (obviously not that serious lol)
2. "Dislocated" Ankle- happened twice, once in college and once on an open team about 6 years ago. It's still messed up, and gets sore when I am standing or walking on it too long. But, that's my fault for not having insurance when it happened so I couldn't get the surgery to fix it
3. Shin splints- actually a high school track injury that turned into stress fractures when I tumbled in college. Still get a little sore when I run, but that's because I've gained so much weight since then, too.
4. Back injury from freshman year- this one was by far the worst. Muscle spasms combined with the muscles and ligaments actually starting to pull away from my spine. It felt like I had nothing to keep my spine up lol.... I tumbled in a back brace, then got better, and was ok until I re-injured 3 years ago jumping off a tow truck, then it got better and I had a car accident last year.... finally 9 months of going to the chiropractor has fixed it and I feel like new again:)
So, yeah, I'm a hot mess, but I think that would be the case with or without the cheer injuries haha