I do not work double ups anymore, but I may have hit 1... once.
The frustrating thing is you are getting upset about the principle of it all. If the idea was to exclude, kick out, get rid of feminine males in this sport I would actually be upset myself. That is a part of what helps make this sport unique and interesting.
But what those coaches are talking about is how to protect what you like about cheerleading, while expand it to incorporate others. In fact the two males mentioning this idea do not have a problem with alternative lifestyles. They aren't trying to kick anybody out.
There is no high horse. There is no secret conspiracy. There is just the plain fact that cheerleading needs more boys. Since we have exhausted one type, changing scoresheets to include (not replace.. read NOT REPLACE) another type is not a bad thing. No one is taking anything away from you.
Well, I would like them to take away the ability to ask about lip tattoos in allstar, but I guess thats up to myself.