All-Star Maximizing Score Sheet

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Be very careful with this! I understand where your coming from, you just want to make your daughters team better but if parents all had a say in the routine it would become World War III. Coaches may take the anger or resentment they feel towards your opinions on your daughters placement in the routine. They should put formations according to skill, and not give anyone preferential treatment: But we all know thats a bigger lie than saying Charlie Sheen is sober. Long story short, please be careful because your daughter shouldnt suffer for something silly. Worse comes to worse, move to a gym where you like the coaching style. Good Luck!
Be very careful with this! I understand where your coming from, you just want to make your daughters team better but if parents all had a say in the routine it would become World War III. Coaches may take the anger or resentment they feel towards your opinions on your daughters placement in the routine. They should put formations according to skill, and not give anyone preferential treatment: But we all know thats a bigger lie than saying Charlie Sheen is sober. Long story short, please be careful because your daughter shouldnt suffer for something silly. Worse comes to worse, move to a gym where you like the coaching style. Good Luck!

Amazing reference
Be very careful with this! I understand where your coming from, you just want to make your daughters team better but if parents all had a say in the routine it would become World War III. Coaches may take the anger or resentment they feel towards your opinions on your daughters placement in the routine. They should put formations according to skill, and not give anyone preferential treatment: But we all know thats a bigger lie than saying Charlie Sheen is sober. Long story short, please be careful because your daughter shouldnt suffer for something silly. Worse comes to worse, move to a gym where you like the coaching style. Good Luck!

I agree to some of what your saying but if your a great coach you will not make a child suffer for what the parents do. I have been a coach for 8 years and never once placeed a child in a routine where they should or shouldnt be, You cannot punish a child for a parents actions never ever ever!
Im just saying. you are asking us for resources/ help and you wanna approach the coach of your CP's team with suggestions?
If you think you have the audacity to meet with her about this issue then I think you should be pretty knowledgable about the situation. I can promise you I have dealt with the moms that LOVE to coach however sometimes they completely dont make since.

A mom said this to me... "Since "suzie" falls to her knees on her standing twist. (full) is there anyway she can just land on her knees and hit a cute pose?" REALLY?
Sometimes you simply can't add difficulty. I coached rec and..ugh. They could NOT do extended libs. The head coaches wouldn't even let me practice them some more. Therefor we had to compete with prep libs. We hit and lost. However, rec is different from all stars. I understand where you're coming from and it would annoy me to no end. Are parents allowed to watch practices? Maybe you could watch and see if they are even working on more difficult stunts. If not, then I would personally find another gym. If you cant, then you should study the rules for your daughters division, and come up with some suggestions for the coach. Don't just say "add difficulty." But like most people said, that could cause some unnecessary drama.
Good luck
Did no one here realize that maybe the coach really is horrible?? There are plenty of coaches out there that DON'T know what they are talking about. If you are 100% positive that the coach isn't doing what he or she should be doing. Then perhaps discuss this with the gym owner. If youre a player on a sports team, generally your coach will let you know whats going on strategy wise. So whats wrong with having a parent discuss this with a coach.

Now with that being said. A lot of you are saying, "don't say anything, if you ever said that to me i'd kick you out"... Well you aren't the type of coach she is talking about. You know your stuff then. And if you are saying that, and you DON'T know what you're talking about. Then stop being so arrogant and think you know everything. I'm sure all of us could pick apart your routine and show you where you're not maxing out.

So if done in the right way, sure you can talk to your coach. Perhaps say, for my knowledge I was wondering why you decided on this for the team. DO NOTTTTT go up to your coach and say, why are you doing straight up preps because that doesn't score well, you need to do this. That will in no way go over well.
Did no one here realize that maybe the coach really is horrible?? There are plenty of coaches out there that DON'T know what they are talking about. If you are 100% positive that the coach isn't doing what he or she should be doing. Then perhaps discuss this with the gym owner. If youre a player on a sports team, generally your coach will let you know whats going on strategy wise. So whats wrong with having a parent discuss this with a coach.

Now with that being said. A lot of you are saying, "don't say anything, if you ever said that to me i'd kick you out"... Well you aren't the type of coach she is talking about. You know your stuff then. And if you are saying that, and you DON'T know what you're talking about. Then stop being so arrogant and think you know everything. I'm sure all of us could pick apart your routine and show you where you're not maxing out.

So if done in the right way, sure you can talk to your coach. Perhaps say, for my knowledge I was wondering why you decided on this for the team. DO NOTTTTT go up to your coach and say, why are you doing straight up preps because that doesn't score well, you need to do this. That will in no way go over well.

yes I did!!! In my previous post i mention something like that!
Also... why is the answer switch gyms. You should have the opportunity to improve what you have at the moment. Every company out there from a marketing prospective is all about the customer experience. And making the customer happy. Well having an undereducated coach and not winning doesnt make many people happy. If cheerleading gyms took customer surveys, i'm sure there eyes would be opened to some issues they didn't know existed. And while yes, you get a lot of people who just complain, you do get some great insight.
Did no one here realize that maybe the coach really is horrible?? There are plenty of coaches out there that DON'T know what they are talking about. If you are 100% positive that the coach isn't doing what he or she should be doing. Then perhaps discuss this with the gym owner. If youre a player on a sports team, generally your coach will let you know whats going on strategy wise. So whats wrong with having a parent discuss this with a coach.

Now with that being said. A lot of you are saying, "don't say anything, if you ever said that to me i'd kick you out"... Well you aren't the type of coach she is talking about. You know your stuff then. And if you are saying that, and you DON'T know what you're talking about. Then stop being so arrogant and think you know everything. I'm sure all of us could pick apart your routine and show you where you're not maxing out.

So if done in the right way, sure you can talk to your coach. Perhaps say, for my knowledge I was wondering why you decided on this for the team. DO NOTTTTT go up to your coach and say, why are you doing straight up preps because that doesn't score well, you need to do this. That will in no way go over well.
Also... why is the answer switch gyms. You should have the opportunity to improve what you have at the moment. Every company out there from a marketing prospective is all about the customer experience. And making the customer happy. Well having an undereducated coach and not winning doesnt make many people happy. If cheerleading gyms took customer surveys, i'm sure there eyes would be opened to some issues they didn't know existed. And while yes, you get a lot of people who just complain, you do get some great insight.

We did this last year, and I found out that the parents' thought we weren't being encouraging enough. It really helped us evaluate our effectiveness. We made sure we were more encouraging and it definitely helped us keep more cheerleaders for this year.

To answer the original question. I would ask for a meeting with the coach. Just pick the coach's brain. Ask him/her how they think the season is going. Then go from their. If you make it like you're on their side they won't be offended. If I just had parents who knew what "maximizing the score sheet" actually meant, I would LOVE it. We could talk cheerleading at competitions instead of all the other non sense that goes on. HAHA
Cheer_Explosion_Coach said:
We did this last year, and I found out that the parents' thought we weren't being encouraging enough. It really helped us evaluate our effectiveness. We made sure we were more encouraging and it definitely helped us keep more cheerleaders for this year.

To answer the original question. I would ask for a meeting with the coach. Just pick the coach's brain. Ask him/her how they think the season is going. Then go from their. If you make it like you're on their side they won't be offended. If I just had parents who knew what "maximizing the score sheet" actually meant, I would LOVE it. We could talk cheerleading at competitions instead of all the other non sense that goes on. HAHA

Agree! I educate my parents about the scorresheets and they get it. They can predict placements at comps very accurately and we do have great conversations. We like parents that understand why we do things bc they're knowledgeable but we strongly dislike being backseat coached!! Ask questions but DONT give advice!
I'm going to assume that you have your child in a small gym - there are TONS of them in FL. If your coach/owner is willing to talk to you about it - I say go full speed ahead. Do know that you are possibly getting into a territory that most feel uncomfortable discussing with parents, however, if your investing your money and child into a program - you should feel like your getting your money's worth!

My parents ask me questions about scoring and having their kids do harder things all the time. When push comes to shove - and the parent sees that their kid can't handle the harder elements, they get it - but until then - you sometimes have to ask questions to understand and know what your best option is!
I think you should talk to them in a nice way maybe ask them to explain thing to you, I dont think there is anything wrong with asking questions,my family pays aolot of money for this sport and we are all in it for the competitions and yes we all want to win, fortunately im at a great gym that does max out our score sheets universaly ( how do i know) the coaches talk to us they fill us in on what we are doing and why. Our raw score has always beaten top names it was us, the cheerleaders causing the deductions , bobbles , touchdowns, little things. I think good communicaion is a must after all its your money and dedication just make sure you ask in a really nice humble way and not comming across as a know it all parent causing problems, after all Im sure from a business standpoint coaches want to keep their members :) good luck
Ok first things first, it annoys the crap out of me that no one seems to have any LOYALTY to their gym anymore. Why is the first line of defense for any issue in the gym is to SWITCH GYMS? Really? People always think the grass is greener on the other side, until you get there and realize it was just spray paint. Unless there's hostility in the gym, be loyal and stick it out. Every gym goes through rough patches.

Now onto the question at hand. I honestly believe that any coach, be it a 1st year coach or a seasoned vet, will be taken back by a parent telling me "You're not maxing out the score sheet". Because in essence, you're telling me that I am not doing my job, without actually saying, you're not doing your job. However, there are ways that this can be addressed. If this is an allstar team, bring your concerns up with your chain of command. Not necessarily saying the CEO needs to be in on this little situation, but maybe start with your team mom, and let them bring the concern up to the coach. Perhaps, that will result in a parent meeting, which can result in the CEO giving his/her views on the situation. No one wants to feel bombarded, so personally, I would take it better from a group of concerned parents as opposed to "Suzie's" Mom telling me how to do my job. And I totally agree that maybe the coach may not know the best avenue to add difficulty in the routine. But like my coaches told me, CLEAN beats DIFFICULTY any day. Why do a kick full basket when it looks like a the flyer is have a conniption in mid air? Stick to what your girls can hit. And afterall, it shouldn't be about placement. Whether we come in 1st, 12th or 103rd, as long as my little ones hit their routine, I'm happy.
Ok first things first, it annoys the crap out of me that no one seems to have any LOYALTY to their gym anymore. Why is the first line of defense for any issue in the gym is to SWITCH GYMS? Really? People always think the grass is greener on the other side, until you get there and realize it was just spray paint. Unless there's hostility in the gym, be loyal and stick it out. Every gym goes through rough patches.

Amen to this! this is so frustrating to hear people say! why not give the coach/ gym a chance to know the concern and either give you a reason, or work to fix the problem, before just up and leaving. Gym jumping is hard on athletes and hard on teams. It should NOT be the first answer to every concern.

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