All-Star Meeting Up At Competitions

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If anyone will be at American Showcase in Anehiem (its in April!) It'd be cool to meet people! Its the biggest competition i'm going to :)
ive met so many people because of the fierceboard. Ill be at nca, aca, cga, worlds & also cheer america in houston if anyone wants to meet up! ill have a few shirts to trade

I can honestly say its more fun to sit surrounded by fierceboarders (:
Now that I'm cheering again, I'm gonna use this opportunity to meet up and make some new friends. Angelica is right, the FB section at worlds is so much fun (I met her there, P.S. I misss you!!)
Now that I'm cheering again, I'm gonna use this opportunity to meet up and make some new friends. Angelica is right, the FB section at worlds is so much fun (I met her there, P.S. I misss you!!)

omg!! i misss youu too!! & had no idea you were cheering again?!?! I better see you somewhere this year (:
Last year I went to quite a few competitions with friends and I was just too nervous to actually meet anyone...:oops:
I'm debating on whether or not to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to ATL for cheersport... I'm trying to talk my mom into going with me. If she won't go ill just drag some of my friends along! I promise I'll meet up with some of you guys then! If I go... Lol cheersport is so chaotic if you're not competing...
Have you seem the list of gyms coming??? TG, spirit, World Cup, MD twisters..... Make the drive!
omg!! i misss youu too!! & had no idea you were cheering again?!?! I better see you somewhere this year :)
yess ma'am! cheering again as of like, 2 months ago :) I'll definitely be at Worlds! I don't think I'll be coming near you any other time :/ keep in touch til then my dear!
I most likely will! :D

yes i second that! Make the drive and dont try to stay anywhere downtown. its sooo expensive! -_- & girl meet as many people as you can! YOLO

yess ma'am! cheering again as of like, 2 months ago :) I'll definitely be at Worlds! I don't think I'll be coming near you any other time :/ keep in touch til then my dear!

ahh of course we will! See you then girl (:
Then we should meet up! I'm sure there will be some thread dedicated to fierce boarder meetings in the CHEERSPORT forum when it gets closer ;)
Okay!! Deal!!

yes i second that! Make the drive and dont try to stay anywhere downtown. its sooo expensive! -_- & girl meet as many people as you can! YOLO

Since its not a long drive well probably just go for one day.
If not ill make sure I bring friends and split a room with them! Although my mom does have aton of hotel points so we might be able to stay somewhere for free.
I'll be at Spirit of Hope, Athletic Championship, Cheerpower regionals and Nationals and UCA nationals. I'm on a senior 5 restricted team so we can't go to worlds! But I'm gonna try to go just to watch. If I do I'll let you know!
Jaylen and I will be at

ACA nationals (ft worth tx)
WSA (new Orleans)
NCA (Dallas tx)

And some local comps in San Antonio