We do try to pack a snack. But like I said earlier - it's a very elaborate procedure getting them to practice. They go directly from school - there is a bus, a train, and a car involved. Once in a while we forget to pack a snack. Or worse, if it's not close to "grocery day", there's nothing to pack. So we end up just hoping we get 30 seconds to spare to buy a snack later. Doesn't make it any less rude to stuff pizza in your face in front of 25 hungry kids.
Jeez no one said you were being a bad coach. Just a rude one. And the visual your post just created was just gross. I think I seriously would scream if I saw you spotting my daughter with a sub in your hand - I really hope you're kidding. :eek:
So, for the coaches who felt the need to defend themselves about the eating thing; Nope. Still not OK. If you read the whole post, and the whole thread, you'll see that what I said was that we also haven't eaten - so saying you "have to eat during practice because you're so busy" doesn't wash. That was my whole point - we also haven't had time to eat. I can just imagine if I sent my daughter into the gym with a SUB in her hand and she tried to say "I came right from school, I haven't had time to eat!"
I didn't say "Stop eating." I saaaaid "Stop eating in front of us." This is just. plain. rude. Half these kids have just come from practice at school, school itself, or some other activity. They're busy too - and starving. They CAN'T eat because they have to be ready to tumble, stunt, run, etc. And you're really going to tell me that as an ADULT you don't know better than to stand there and eat WHILE YOU'RE COACHING? Go in the office and eat...or your car...or wherever. You all find places to SMOKE (yeah, sorry. The kids know about that one), I'm sure you can find places to eat. The whole point of my original post, and I'll say it again: Coaches, you are far from the only busy people in this. I don't know if you all think we just sit on the sofa with our kids all day waiting for it to be 5:00 for practice...but we don't. So please stop using "But I'm so busy" as an excuse for everything. We're busy too - and you don't see us sending our kids in with subs in hand because they were "too busy" to eat. :rolleyes:
This really is one of my biggest pet peeve. So practice what you preach - eat in the car, in the bathroom (eeww), or just WAIT another half hour. But for God's sake...stop eating on the mat while you're coaching.
BTW...drinks are not the same thing. I don't care if you have a soda or coffee in your hand.