These new divisions are so frustrating, not just because they're diluting the competition even further, but because they're random and feel fake. Why not "D2 Worlds" divisions instead of "Gyms with only 1 Worlds team" divisions? Gyms with 500 athletes can theoretically enter these fake divisions, so what's the point of them?
If my gym has an XS Worlds team and I add a Non-Tumbling Worlds team (so now I have 2 Worlds teams), that means gyms with only 1 Worlds team are so incapable of competing with my gym that they have to hide in a "Limited" division? Make this make sense.
Another example:
Gym X has 300 kids and 1 Worlds team.
Gym Y has 175 kids and 2 XS Worlds teams. "Worlds Team A" is stacked and "Worlds Team B" is what they could put together after forming Team A (some gyms have a "main" Worlds team, some don't).
How does Gym Y having a "Worlds Team B" give them such a competitive advantage over Gym X that Gym X can't bear to compete against Gym Y at Worlds? And the fact that Gym X has the option to choose last minute whether to avoid Gym Y at Worlds and "hide" in a "Limited" division or just enter their regular division feels even more ridiculous. What other sport's "World Championships" plays these types of games?
MAYBE you could justify some sort of D2 Worlds division (held at Summit). But this random "you can't have more than one Worlds team to enter this division" is absolute madness. It will discourage gyms who are on the verge of forming a second Worlds team from bothering to form one, which is even more sad.
What's also frustrating is that no distinction will be made between these "Limited" divisions and the "regular divisions" aside from the world "Limited". "Limited" used to just mean you had fewer boys on your team. To a casual cheer fan, a "Limited" World title is the same as any other. They get to compete at the same Worlds and receive the same glory. It would be like handicap golfers (not literally handicapped, just amateur) playing in "The Masters" with pros like Tiger Woods and then claiming both the handicap player and the pro won The Masters.
These fake divisions bother me even more than the NT divisions, because at least every gym has the opportunity to enter NT; there are no restrictions. And they mention specifically that they are "Non-Tumbling", so it's very easy for anyone to understand "NT" is very different from a "Regular" division. But "Limited" is based mostly on nonsense.
There aren't enough Level 6 teams to justify this constant adding of divisions. What will be next--divisions for teams from low income areas only? Divisions for teams from less populated areas? Divisions for teams that practice only 2 times a week instead of 3? The possibilities for fake divisions are endless. I don't doubt that teams who finished near the bottom of Worlds are frustrated. But that is sports and real life! Some people have to finish toward the bottom otherwise you don't have a full competitive field and it's not a sport. You don't keep inventing divisions to cater to every single team. Frustrating.