All-Star Most Difficult Moment As A Cheer Parent...

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My cp fell out of her stunt when her coaches let her team go level 5(they were level 4) at the last comp. The new stunt was a switchup to a heel stretch which she hit all the time at practice. Her frontspot got injured and could not come. My cp freaked herself out before she went on and she came down. I could tell by her face she was crushed. She finished everything else(actually really well- a beautiful kick double and a really nice full) and was the first one off the mat. She was at the replay screen with her head in her hands sobbing when I got to her. I could do nothing but cry with her. Her teammates and coaches tried to reassure her but she cried for almost 2 hours. She tought everyone was going to be mad at her. The next day she was scared to do it again. Fortunately she did it.
I think the hardest thing for my mom was watching me cheer in a boot my senior year during football season. She knew how hard i had worked all last summer then once i got hurt my whole mood changed....i lost so much confidence in myself. Ill never forget her crying in the doctors office while i did when the doctor said "no cheerleading for 6 weeks"
Probably my "toughest" moment (thus far) happened this season. My inexperienced flyer cp had gotten sick (colds and that stomach bug everyone had) before every comp in the early part of the season. She fell out of her stunts and even accidentally broke her base's ribs in Philly. Her coaches yelled at her, threatened her, and she took privates to get her skills where they needed to be, but her confidence was shot. Her privates coach said "She has the talent & skills but she just needs to learn her body. She needs to strengthen her core, do planks, etc." Cp never did them at home, however. So at Jam Live, when she came down, again, I had to look at her when she came off the floor crying and ask "Are you hurt?" She said no. So I said "Good, then stop the tears. It won't help. Did you do planks? Did you work as hard as you could? No. So either stop flying, or stop crying." It killed me to say it, because I really just wanted to hold her and make her embarassment and pain go away. Since I had already done that, there was only one thing left to do. Tough-love her. It worked, though. She never came out of a stunt again.

Who's with me for publishing a "Cheer-Parent's Handbook?"

Here is a "Cheer Parents 101" paper that the USASF Parent Action Committee put together. We are planning to update for the 2011-2012 year with any new rules that apply but I hope you find it helpful. If you have any other suggestions, let me know or post them on our message board.
the hardest thing for my mom was probably what just happened on saturday. it was my last competition of the season and it was my gyms first time going out level 5. i was so excited to do my full for the first time in competition! during the routine i did my full and landed and my mom was so excited for me! but when i was walking to my basket toss line after that i was sobbing and bending over holding my knee. It was so bad that the music had to stop and they had to carry me off the floor. It turns out that i tore my acl and my meniscus when i landed that full :(
Maybe this thread will help give me closure. I have been emotionally drained since worlds. My most heart broken moment as a dad was watching Smoke drop a stunt on Sunday. I have to say this, not taking anything away from anyone, but they were the strongest team in their division. Everyone knew that. I was just a matter of hit and win. Smoke gave it away. All the time and sacrifices she, and us as parents, were all for nothing in that brief moment. I do not believe worlds is the end all be all of cheer but most people in this subculture do. That is my heart break moment. I hope saying this helps me smile, instead of dragging around, when I hear Smokin in the boys room.
Was Kristen on Smoke on the team this season?
I know her, but I don't talk to her much.

And is she on Smoke for next season?
Was Kristen on Smoke on the team this season?
I know her, but I don't talk to her much.

And is she on Smoke for next season?
I'm assuming that you're talking about his daughter? Already said on here that it was her last season cheering and she was on smoke.....
It was when I finally took CP in to the doctor for her "sore back" and learned she had 5 stress fractures, one just millimeters from requiring surgery. I used to take the "suck it up" mentality and felt so horrible that I didn't take her in sooner. Now we have her ortho on speed dial!
for my mom, im pretty sure it was in my first season of cheer. i was junior prep novice, and i was in the front row for a standing backhandspring section. the whole row was pretty much right on the "outofbounds" line, and i was the one that put a toe on the tape.
i remember it was a 25 point deduction, putting us in 2nd place by 7 points,and it was the only time we got second all year.
my whole team hated me, and i cried for days

i know that one person doesnt make a team win, and one person doesnt make a team fail, but it was the only deduction and it was HUGE.
Was Kristen on Smoke on the team this season?
I know her, but I don't talk to her much.

And is she on Smoke for next season?

If you mean the little small girl that is a fly. Yes she was on Smoke this year. She didn't try out. But she didn't try out the last two years and turned up on the team anyway so maybe that will happen again.
I'm assuming that you're talking about his daughter? Already said on here that it was her last season cheering and she was on smoke.....

No. My daughter is Emily. She was the opening basket and last basket in the toss section.
While not wanting to broadcast my kids successes and failures on the mat I will say that allstar cheer can bring us the highest of highs and the lowest of lows all in a single day. LOL A single few minutes of a routine can be the highlight of our day and the straw that breaks the camel's back. And for us, the things that make MrTeal and I the most proud aren't necessarily a stunt that hits or a tumbling skill being landed. It's the never giving up when you want to the most, the humble nature when praised for what they can do, the "team" mentality they posess, the way that in every way the 3 of them are their biggest cheerleaders and toughest critics equally. And for me that's the most difficult moment as a cheerparent........making sure that they continue to grow in the sport at the same time they remember where they came from. (Mini 2 all of them. LOL) It's been a pretty amazing experience so far!! 1 we wouldn't change!
All the time and sacrifices she, and us as parents, were all for nothing in that brief moment.

That comment really saddens me. It sounds as though you are taking away from the accomplishments of the entire team. I surely hope you don't mean it that way and I am misunderstanding you. :(

As a cheer mom, the worst moment for me was 2 years ago, my CP was on a team with an older girl who was her back. She was so nasty to my daughter, but always out of sight and ear shot of the coaches. Everytime she fell in practice, this girl would yell at her, she would constantly put her down and always tell her she didn't belong on the team. We were in Indy for Jamfest Supernationals and before they even went to warm-ups, this girl started saying all of the same things to her, telling her if they didn't come in first it would be all her fault. When they came out on the mat, I saw that CP has been crying. Her stunt fell, she got back up, and I could tell she lost all confidence and fell again. Afterward, she was coming up to me in tears and this girl started screaming at her, "You suck, you made us loose". My heart broke for her and I was so angry I was shaking. I think I stood there and held her, letting her cry for 1/2 hour. My CP isn't a perfect flyer, but that was the only competition she fell in the entire season.

Fortunately, our coaches took care of it immediately (and they hit the second day). To this day, when I see the girl, it is so incredibly hard to act like an adult.
Ok Im going to get a little sappy here...bare with me :)
So Im a senior about to graduate high school and Ive been cheering for 9 years. My freshman year of high school is when I started to get really into cheerleading and I was on Varsity that year. Anyways a couple of the girls on my team had cheered for MD Twisters and I wanted to try out soo soo badly and finally my mom let me. I knew I was a longshot because I barely had my full by myself and had a huge headcase on my standing tuck. I wanted to be on Storm (small senior 5 all girl back then). Well we went in there for a private tryout and I ended up getting evaluated by a coach I didnt care for. He told me to throw my standing tuck and the first time I landed it but I was still really unsure. Then I threw it again and busted it. I ended up hurting a nerve in my shoulder and was out of cheerleading for almost a month. I know my mom felt helpless because she saw the whole thing from the parent viewing area upstairs and there was nothing she could do about it. I was offered a spot as an alternate on Storm but couldnt take it. I know my mom wanted to go in there and make everything okay but there was nothing she could do. I ended up only cheering high school that year. Fast forward 2 years and Im just starting my junior year. I wanted to try allstar again and a a couple friends of mine were doing MD Marlins. I got a tryout and everything and in the end I was offered a spot on their SO5 team with a possibility to move up during the season to Tsu. I really wanted to and was all set to do it and then I got really sick. BEWARE this is where it gets sappy! I went to the doctors because it was stomach issues and I wasnt keeping any food down and rapidly loosing weight. This was right after my fall season of cheerleading for high school had ended so I was out of practice at that time and was fixing to start the winter cheerleading season. A couple weeks and I still wasnt better. Everyone thought it was just a stomach bug or something minor. I wouldnt gain weight and had dropped down to 90 lbs which for me was WAY below what it should be. Long story short I saw so many doctors and finally one of them admitted me into the hospital to run more tests. I was diagnosed with Post Viral Gastroparesis ( I had swine flu earlier in the year and thats when this had all started). It was issues with the nerves in my stomach not digesting my food. Its really gross I know but I was in the hospital for 5 days and was put on a nasal feeding tube for one month. Obviously this was keeping me out of cheerleading and I think I cried at least everyday because of it. It was horrible and again, there was nothing my mom could do except sit at home with me and listen to how upset I was. She even took me to the gym, feeding tube and everything, just to hang out with my coach because I missed him and just being at the gym in general. I know my mom would have done everything at that moment to just make everything better and I know it hurt her to see how upset I was. GOOD NEWS is Im all better and even made captain and won states my senior year of high school, mom couldnt have been happier that day! Ive been better for a little less than a year now but without my moms committment to taking me to the gym (once I was feeling slightly better) I never would have been back at the skill level I was before I got sick! Thanks to all the moms and dads out there, even if you feel helpless sometimes, for sticking by our sides and continuing to let us do this amazing sport!
Okay done with the sappyness :)
for my parents it was probably sitting in the doctors office this january while the doctor told me i had two breaks in my ankle and would not be able to compete at worlds. i cried for a few hours and they felt awful because i had just gotten standing 2 to full and had been working so hard. it was heartbreaking for them! (and me!)

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