When I was cheering, we were at some local comp and had an injury in warmups. Of course it was the best flyer on the team, who I happened to base in the elite sequence and tosses. We put in a level 4 girl who could do level 5 flying, but had the WORST double downs. Her legs and arms would fly everywhere, it was a mess. When she doubled from a scorp, she got so nervous that her legs went everywhere, knocking me in the face, breaking my nose, chipping 2 teeth, biting my tongueand my braces ended up slitting my upper lip. It was almost like a fan because as she was twisting her legs hit me like 4 times, causing all the injuries. I was only 13, so I was mortified, and bleeding from the nose, lip, and mouth profusely. My coaches said that they had never seen so much blood in their life, my uniform was ruined along with the mat we competed on because I finished the routine.
Thank god they could fix my teeth, reset my nose, and stitch my lip. But boy, I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed or in so much pain in my life.