The body is capable of doing a move that can be described as "hip thrusting" . . . Dance was created for the body to move . . so why exclude that? If it suggests something, i dunno . . . then maybe it's the receiver's problem coz clearly . .. It's a move. if we analyze things like that, then maybe doing a Heel Stretch would suggest something as well . . since people can see everything under. Think about it . .
Lastly, can we just have atleast one THREAD, where there is absence of DEBATE and ARGUMENT . . ?? Stating opinions without attacking anyone? I did post the videos for the people in Fierceboard to have something aside from the arguments and essay-length comments. . . .so let's just please. . . thank you
I tried to cut down your post for length and so you would know you were quoted without having to read a book, because I anticipate that my final return will be just as long..
If you read both of my previous posts, I mentioned several times that I respect the girls' skills (I think the phrase I used was 'mad talented'). I do- they've got gorgeous turns and body control and lovely flexibility. And they perform like pros. But there are ways to show those skills WITHOUT excess gyrating. Having watched both of the videos that Corey posted, I know that at least in ONE routine done by that studio, their choreographer/teacher is capable of creating something that's age appropriate and shows off their gorgeous skills. Am I completely against a little shimmy and a shake? No. I've done a little wiggle from probably birth lol.
The body is capable of movement. Dance is meant to be a physical expression of emotion and feeling- and the feelings that go along with that degree and type of movement do NOT match with a 7 year old. Yes, the body is meant to move that way- but consider what it's meant for and then reconsider if you want a child doing it? I have danced for years, and I've expressed so many thoughts and emotions through it (got lots of awards for it too). It's something I love, and I hate to see kids suffer from it (and if you've read other posts from people in comments section, those girls are suffering whether they know it or not!)
I do actually blame the choreographer (in my case and theirs), which I've previously stated multiple times. I also didn't respond to some of the things you said because I was afraid I'd play Devil's Advocate in ways that are a bit of a stretch and at times inappropriate for this board. And this board's very foundation is discussion and debate. If you want happy-fun-fluff, I'd post about food. I think it's unanimously the one thing everyone on this board can agree on. Food is delicious. :D
Side note: I was thinking about this yesterday- of the world championship teams here in cheer, how many of them have had dances that were beyond age appropriate, or even a little bit suggestive? I'm even talking in juniors..Not many. They're all surprisingly tasteful and fun without popping out their hip joints lol