Can I post on a thread about being behind the screen if I was there?
1. It was great to meet so many awesome Fierceboards this weekend. I can't list them all without missing a bunch, but @cheergirl09 is one of the sweetest people ever
2. Everyone who won deserved it. I saw it
3. Holy flipping baskets! Teams have stepped it up and embraced the coed stunting and it looks awesome. I am hopeful it lead to a future of more boys going from Allstar to college opportunities
4. I didn't meet a mean person all weekend, except for the the lady who wouldn't leave the Fierceboard section even after @ohhhlinds was twittering about her and the lady who rudely pushed me out of the way to get in the stands before Small Senior finals: say "excuse me". People will get out of your way!
4a. Fan and athlete Sportsmanship is alive and well. Seriously, F5 girls, Tsu, ACE, PCM is a new favorite, Hot cheer has been all year, a great group of WC parents we sat with on Sunday- everyone is nice out there. We were all wishing each other good luck in the line to cheer teams on for Small Senior- that's right, Cali, Orange, CA, and CEA parents and fans do get along in real life.
5. Holy Small Senior! I think I watched close to 20 hours of this division and more teams were well prepared and hitting than ever.