I have really tried to refrain from telling my personal "SMOED " experience but you are so unwilling to see how your team and their coaches behave that I feel it has become necessary. Last year at Worlds I had to make a business call. Obviously there are not many quiet places at WWOS, so I walked away from the arena area to find a spot where I could have a professional conversation. I happened to walk by the team. There were some non Cali people standing around obviously trying to get a look at their favorite team but when I walked by one of the coaches started screaming at me to get out and leave them alone. It was arrogant, rude and completely unacceptable. He did not own the place he was standing in and I was simply walking by trying to find a place to make a phone call.
I am willing to bet I am not the only one these coaches have spoken to in such a way. I am an adult and if he could be so rude to me I am sure he has been worse to others. Their sense of entitlement to tell people where to go and what to do along with their social media behavior has made many people, including myself, not feel bad for any of the backlash they are receiving (with the exception of the young flyer). It is strange to me that this group seems such the opposite of the rest of their organization. I have met some wonderful people from CALI and I think Tannaz represents herself as a class act. My kids are friendly with kids from other CALI teams and have done clinics and choreography with other coaches from CALI and love them.
I understand that you have a different experience with the SMOED athletes and coaches and I can appreciate that, but others have had quite the opposite experience. They get what they give and if they learn to act more appropriately towards their community I am willing to bet they would see a big difference in how they are treated.
"You are only responsible for being honest, not for someone else's reaction to your honesty."