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And sorry double post but daaaang @cupieqt those unis look HOT on the floor!!! Snaps to you and @BuegeSmalls

And also @Just-a-Mom are you ok after the storms today? The damage is just insane. I was watching the bears game while I was waiting for the police and I've been through my fair share of tornados, but that wind was crazy!

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Oh my gosh we really got stuck out in it on the way out to the suburbs for dance class. I haven't been that scared while driving in a loooooong time. Of course I was out in Elmhurst where it's all open, flat land when they evacuated the stadium and all the warnings and such were going on. We stayed smushed into the center room at dance until it was "safe" to leave. Nerve wracking day for sure. But we're home safe and sound now.

That sucks about your car! :( I'd be so mad. Have any of your neighbors had any luck getting theirs off? Maybe ask them? Good luck. Ugh... I'm mad just reading it!

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Very jealous! I've been a fan of the Sharks for 15 years and never been able to see them live.
Oh my gosh we really got stuck out in it on the way out to the suburbs for dance class. I haven't been that scared while driving in a loooooong time. Of course I was out in Elmhurst where it's all open, flat land when they evacuated the stadium and all the warnings and such were going on. We stayed smushed into the center room at dance until it was "safe" to leave. Nerve wracking day for sure. But we're home safe and sound now.

That sucks about your car! :( I'd be so mad. Have any of your neighbors had any luck getting theirs off? Maybe ask them? Good luck. Ugh... I'm mad just reading it!

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Glad y'all are alright!! I've seen F3s with my own eyes and my parents' house has had minor damage from F4s before but I'd never seen anything like what they were showing in Chicago!

I haven't gotten a chance to talk to anyone else in the complex who's car was tagged (just the management and some people in my building- it's a massive complex with like 700+ units all in different buildings), but the officer working the case told me I'd probably have to get it professionally done. I was really just looking for something to tone it down a bit until I can get it in the shop next week. You get some really interesting looks driving around in a black car with bright white graphic vandalism on the side :(

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I've already had a big posting about this on Facebook, but I was at a high school competition and there were so many teams that stole well known all star teams' music. There was even one team whose entire music, start to finish, were cut ups of Cali Lady Bullets (worlds '13,) Cali Coed (worlds '13,) and CEA SE (worlds 2o11.) At first it started with Dirty by Christina Aguilera and I thought "Wow, this sounds exactly like Lady Bullets…" then it kept going and I heard another familiar music section but I couldn't remember it, and then it goes, "This is not redemption, this is retribution, Cali CooooEd!" Seriously. Did they think we wouldn't notice the multiple California, Coed, and Bullet references on an all girl team that has nothing to do with bullets?
I don't understand it. Granted, cheerleading around here isn't anything spectacular. Far from it. But do they think that people around here don't know what all star is or don't know who California All Stars is? I get that cheer music is expensive, but obviously someone related to the team knows how to cut and paste music together. Why not use some normal songs and not mixes someone else paid for and you did not? Yeah, it won't sound as flashy and cool, but you can also fundraise like all the other teams who have professional music or buy a cheap pre-made mix.
Eventually, it happened so many times, I made a list of music ripped off from teams. Most teams just stole voiceovers and bits and pieces, but they're well known. Let's see if you can identify them.
"I was thinkin' bout us, thinkin' bout me, thinkin' bout us with the trophy. Other's dream is a Panther reality!"
"All you judges out there better give me a TEN! 'Cause I'm a winner baby, I came to win!"
"Welcome to a new age, new chapter, turn the page. Cali fans, show your love!"
One of my friends just texted me saying he can’t be friends with me because we’re polar opposites and he has feelings for me that I don’t reciprocate and it just hurts.. I feel so bad :(
I have an 8am. aka something i said I would never do. along with a four hour night class. ON THE SAME DAY

I haaaaaaaaaaate 8am classes. Hate. Them. I'm 40 and I still struggle with getting to them. Why do schools do this to me? I have one every day next quarter. Ugh.

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I have an 8am. aka something i said I would never do. along with a four hour night class. ON THE SAME DAY

I have an 8 am lab this semester and it's not bad...mostly because its super close to my dorm and I can leave 5 mins before it starts. And it usually only lasts 20 minutes so I can come back and sleep. But I'm also a morning person and wake up at 6 every morning regardless of if I have to be somewhere. Next semester I don't have anything until 11:30 every day. Idk what I'm going to do with myself in the mornings lol
I spent FOREVER picking out the most perfect schedule with the best teachers that worked around my work schedule and I finally came to the conclusion that I am moving back home.. So that means going to a new school and I'm not able to register till mid-late December because of getting my transcripts in :mad::banghead:
I was speaking to some business studies students today (I'm studying Sport and exercise) and they were telling me that the earliest their classes start are 11am. Don't mind me just falling asleep whilst I'm forced to play basketball at 8am zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
At least your schools have posted the classes and times for next semester...idk what is taking my school sooo long to post dates, times, and professors....and we register for spring classes the first week of December! I do know that I want semi-early classes so I can have the rest of the day to hang out at home and study and whatnot. I have an 8:30 bio lab this semester and its not that bad! Last spring I had classes on Tue and Thur. from 10am-6pm and THAT was awful...never again! I want all my classes to end at like 2 the latest but I want my lab on Wed so I'll only go Tue-Thurs.
I have 15 credit hours lined up for next semester.. Thankfully all the professors I got are good ones. My earliest class will be at 8 AM on Tuesdays but it's environmental biology so it shouldn't be too bad. Plus it's only once a week. Unfortunately for college algebra the labs are only on Fridays :/
I have 15 credit hours lined up for next semester.. Thankfully all the professors I got are good ones. My earliest class will be at 8 AM on Tuesdays but it's environmental biology so it shouldn't be too bad. Plus it's only once a week. Unfortunately for college algebra the labs are only on Fridays :/
is it Environmental Biology of Southwest Florida? I took that when I was at FGCU! If it is, it's really interesting and you go on field trips!

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officially finished christmas shopping :cheering: (i realize this sounds somewhat crazy to some people, but it allows me to really enjoy the holiday season, so yay!)

now if only my mom, dad, and grandma's birthdays weren't also in december... how inconvenient. :rolleyes: