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Ordered varsity bows once and sent them back. They were awful. I will say in your coaches defense, everybody's mom "makes bows." It can get a little annoying year after year. Now I'm sure there are a few that can make awesome bows, but in my experience most just think they do. Some of the bows that I've had moms give me as a sample I wouldn't put on my team free or not. I know I'm picky but can some people honestly be blind to the uneven, janky, bumpy, glued, frayed mess they created on their kids head?!?

Same goes with photographers. If I had money for every time a parent comes up to me offering to be the team photographer for pictures.

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I absolutely get it on the bows. We has a mom making them for younger cp's team and they were lopsided and all different sizes and on all different color ponytail elastics. She made something like 10 bows for each girl and I had to remake almost every single one of them. We didn't even wear them all!

I had made the bows for the high school girls the previous year. The coach thought that I had made all of the ratchet bows and made me provide samples before making them for the girls. It took me a while to realize why. I had to laugh about it.

I could go on and on about those bows. I shudder even thinking about them. It was a bad year in general. The bows were just the icing on the cake.

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We don't do parent-made bows. This is not to say that I would never, but at this point, I have yet to see bows made by a parent that make me say "Yes. Let's do it!"

I've had offers before (school and all star moms) but I have always been unimpressed with the sample I get.

My favorite were the ONE inch ones with iron on letters with the school name. In the wrong color. No thank you!

Not to mention I treat "I make bows!" with the same skepticism that I have for "oh I have tons of cheer experience. I'd love to help out!"

Hey, my little boy can "make bows." Doesn't mean you want them on your head.
My high school team required us to pay for everything. My 3 years cheering varsity my mom had to buy 2 new uniforms. I think that all the things we were required to buy our football players ended up being more expensive than our uniforms. We had to make them large posters every week, and the boys would complain if they did not have enough glitter on them. Candy and a gatorade before every game, on halloween we had to get one of those plastic trick or treat pumpkins and fill it up with their favorite candy. We also had to get them pillowcases made at the end of the season so they could bring them to college.
:eek: I never realized how lucky I was. I didn't do HS cheer (just all star), but in college I didn't pay for anything and I got:

Home uniform (returned at end of season)
Away uniform (returned at end of season)
Warm up jacket and pants (returned at end of season)
Nfinity shoes
2 crop tops for underneath each uniform
3 bows
2-3 Practice shirts
2-3 pairs of soffees

ETA: On senior year night during your senior year, you got a framed uniform to keep.
At our high school the student buys the uniform. The fees for next year are something like $3800, so I imagine they are spending a lot on clothing. My kid is a year from the possibility of HS cheer and I'm not really looking forward to those decisions (she'll likely want to continue with her allstar team as well...we'll see).

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I am so blown away by this number, I can't stop going back to it. Is this a public school? :eek:

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Yes. The travel expenses (registration, airfare, and hotel, I assume) for nationals in Orlando is included, but it's still a massive amount. They haven't, so far, been a highly competitive team, either.

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When I was in high school (last year haha) we payed $50 as a Booster Club fee and payed $15-20 for the bow.

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In high school we got a uniform, warmup pants, and a warmup jacket. All of that had to be returned to the school. We were responsible for buying shoes, campwear (roughly 80 dollars total), a bodysuit (#maineprobs), and bloomers.

I would have been mad if we had to buy a uniform because we only wore the skirt for three games my senior year before it got too cold.

In college we got: uniforms, shells, warmups, bows, practice shirts, shorts, and shoes for free and we got to keep all but the uniforms.
We got our shell and skirt but had to return them. Each year we bought new shoes, spanks and bows. A couple of my teammates and I had a meeting with the athletic director at my school and laid out all of the financial facts that all the other sports were getting paid by the school. Since we didn't need a bus besides three times a year, cheer was the only sport in our school that didn't have a paid assistant coach and other things we thought that we deserved more money to pay for our choreographer. (we fundraised for that) So after laying out all the evidence we talked our athletic director into paying for our spankies. Not much but it was a start. :rolleyes:
At our high school the student buys the uniform. The fees for next year are something like $3800, so I imagine they are spending a lot on clothing. My kid is a year from the possibility of HS cheer and I'm not really looking forward to those decisions (she'll likely want to continue with her allstar team as well...we'll see).

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As a coach of an expensive program even I think that's high! Ours is right at $3000 a year for varsity (public school.) That includes everything though: monthly tumbling, UCA nationals, airfare, camp, clothing, etc. We also usually fundraise enough to cover at least 1/3 of every girls season.

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How did the booster club pay for stuff though? For schools around here the booster club may buy it, but the parent's have a certain booster fees every month, so technically the parents are buying it. Never really understood booster clubs, but maybe thats because my school doesn't have them.
Our booster club hosted a cheerleading competition every year (and of course we helped work it) and the money raised from that went into our booster fund. The athletic department itself also ran a booster club but because we had our own, we didn't really do anything with that.
Our booster club does a lot of fundraiser and I am pretty sure gets donations. The biggest is a dinner event in November each year where they auction off huge prizes that are donated to them. It raises a bunch of money

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Freshman year cheer at my school can get sort of pricey, but after that all you might need to buy would be a new tshirt and a new bow or two. Team fundraising (k-8 day camp, etc) goes toward uniforms, which are returned to the school at the end of the season and bought new every few years, and individual fundraising (selling things from a catalog, etc) goes toward your personal bill. Everything you buy freshman year (jersey, warmup jacket, bodysuit, spandex, shoes, hoodie) my coach keeps the same every year to help with cost.
What sucks about our school is we have a "pay-to-play" fee, so any sport is pretty expensive, even without apparel. Fundraising can help take care of that fee but it still definitely sucks.
On Tumblr it says: "Louisville All-Girl Warm Ups"
While they look incredibly awesome, I really do hope the top belongs to a beach/bikini outfit and isn't their actual warm up top...
On Tumblr it says: "Louisville All-Girl Warm Ups"
While they look incredibly awesome, I really do hope the top belongs to a beach/bikini outfit and isn't their actual warm up top...

I'll allow it because they're all in college.

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